Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Have We Had Enough Yet?

For many, many people, it's becoming tougher to continue calling America a free country. With new and intrusive laws and regulations being passed every day by the government, (including local and state governments) laws that all to often cater to the few against the wishes of the many, the people are feeling choked. Trillions of our hard-earned tax dollars are being thrown around and given away as though it were play money, and the people have nothing to say about it. Our young warriors are sent off to war in places where we have no business being, and the reasons we're given turn out to be lies. And no, voting is not the peoples chance to make their voices heard, since no matter who's in charge, nothing changes except to get worse. We have a system of govt. that's based totally on lies and corruption, controlled by hacks who couldn't care less about what the people say. They have turned our Constitution into a joke, one that they manipulate or ignore at will.

Apparently, some states have had enough. There is now a large and growing movement by states to stop the federal govt. from turning us into a nation of obedient worker-ants. I had heard about this movement some time ago, but i wasn't aware it had grown to this size. If it continues to grow, it may be the kind of movement that gives us our country back, or tears it apart. Either way, it would be (IMO) an improvement. We can not continue on this path and still call ourselves free...

What say you?



Bill O'Writes said...

That is me...all 10!

Anonymous said...


Svenska said...

It's not just the federal gov't trying to take over. There's a bill in the NYS Senate (I think it actually got through the Assembly) that gives counties the right to abolish smaller units of gov't (towns, villages, etc) WITHOUT bringing it to a vote by the electorate. They can just seize power and be done with it. I think I need to move - soon.

Spider said...

Yeah, but where? How about Russia, since they have more freedom than we do.

Bill O'Writes said...

Anon: The Bill of Rights is the First 10 amendments to the Constitution. You know...the document that starts off with "WE THE PEOPLE". That is where I got my nom de plum. (I am using french on purpose here). It is the document that those on the left find irritating, yet wtist (typo on purpose), for their own well-meaning, but evil purposes. Actually, the politicians aren't well-meaning, but their flocks of sheeple are, but misguided.