Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here We Go Again

Well, it sounds like some of the brothers and sisters from the Miami branch of the NAACP smell some big money. This time, the shake-down target is the huge Homestead NASCAR racetrack in southern FL. I've been to this track for several major races and it's an outrageous place to be for motor-heads. (although i prefer F-1 racing)

So what's their problem this time? Yep, it's the old "we hate the Confederate flag and anybody who wears it or shows it" scam. Now keep in mind, Homestead Motor Speedway is in the deep, deep, South, with lots of beer, lots of pick-up trucks, lots of guns, and lots of folks who ain't afraid to use 'em! But, when the NAACP sees a chance to intimidate someone, they're not going to pass it up, especially if there's a chance at a "compromise". (see: $$$$) Strange thing is, NASCAR is not what is generally considered a black sport (the fans are overwhelmingly White) like basketball or chain-snatching. But, money is money so it's worth a try. Maybe. I wonder what kind of health insurance those NAACP folks have...,2933,522203,00.html?test=latestnews


Schteveo said...

This is ALL I read,

"...NAACP...Confederate flag banned...boycott a NASCAR race..."

Well, I ultimately read the entire article, but only after chewing a hole in my tongue. The grandsons are still sleeping, it's very early yet. Now, lemme ask you, how much leverage would WE have, IF we decide to boycott the next three BET Awards Shows, all future releases of Snoopdogs DVD box sets, or anything Suge Knight touches?

THAT community would say, "...cracker-ass crackers!! Fug'em, we don' need they money an'ahow. Cracker-ass crackers!!"

IMHO, that's precisely how this should be handled. After all, what's the impact? Homestead loses that huge African-American support they've traditionally had?


But here's the real shocker,

"Brandon Hensler, a spokesman for American Civil Liberties Union's Florida chapter, said bringing a Confederate flag to the race or any public event would be protected speech."

The ACLU is on the right side. This time.

Missy said...

So if black people boycott NASCAR, what will that actually mean? I think there are maybe about 3 black fans in the whole world.

Anonymous said...

Near the bottom:

Chuck McMichael, commander in chief of Sons of the Confederate Veterans, a Tennessee-based group that promotes Confederate heritage, said the flag fight stems from last year's Veterans Day parade when some attendees objected to Confederate Army uniforms and flags displayed by participants. As a result, some Greater Homestead/Florida City residents sought to have the organization banned from future events, McMichael said.There are a lot of civil war reenactors down there, and they love their uniforms, rifles and cannon. Everytime the reenact a battle it is alwasys 1000 to 1 against the union. My old boss used to be a union soldier just so he could shoot more. He never had to die since everyone else wanted a chance to kill him.

Blue said...

Uh someone needs to tell the NAACP that NASCAR is a privately owned business,

So unlike the NAACP, NASCAR does not get any federal or state tax dollars.

and NASCAR fans vote, if they are sober on election day......

Spider said...

With Yomama in full control of the govt. the media, and soon the SCOTUS, liberal groups like the naacp (and every other leftist group) know this is their time to go for it. Every radical idea that's been on the left-wing wish list for the past 25 years is now being pushed forward, and all at the same time. To their thinking, they have 4 years (at least) to get everything they want done. And, without "any" interference from anyone. And with the death of the Republican party and any opposition they "might have" mustered, who will stop them?

IMO, our country, our society, our culture, and our lives are being radically changed in ways too numerous to count, most of which we don't even know about. Yet.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama walked into a bar with a bright red parrot on his shoulder.

The bartender asked, "Where did you get that?"

The parrot said, "Kenya. They're all over the place."