Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Death of America: Part 25

Will being a freedom-loving, free-thinking American, rather than a mindless, Kool-Aid gulping dupe, soon be illegal? Well, if the people who pull Yobama's strings have anything to do with it, (and they have everything to do with it) it just may happen. In fact, IMO, it's already started. Yobama's choice to run the Department of Homeland Stupidity, former AZ. governor Butch Napolitano, has decided that many freedom-loving Americans, and she/he/it has included our returning war heroes, are terrorists! Of course, in her/his/it's world, a terrorist is someone who has the audacity to disagree with, or oppose in any way, Yobama becoming King of America.

To paraphrase Karl Marx, some of the basic things one needs to do in order to control a nation and it's people without military action are;

1. Control the minds of their young. (they already control academia)
2. Control their source of information. (they also own the MSM)
3. Control the lawmakers. ( "our" leftist, lying, corrupt, congress )
4. Control the courts. (they have most, and soon the SCOTUS too?)

Now do you understand why most of the country's gun shops and sporting goods stores are totally out of stock?


Anonymous said...

"Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."
Barry Goldwater

Schteveo said...

On the topic of guns, as attached to this. Mrs Schteveo gave me the ticket to go to the CCH Course for Christmas. When she was looking into it, there were 2 (two) places in the county that offered the course. There was no waiting list, no back up list, no huge line at the gun shop.

She purchased it in late October. (she's an early shopper)

We decided to use my $250 SSA Obamination Stimulus Funds to do the same for our sons for their birthdays. So last week I started looking for a class for our younger son, his b'day is next up. There are now 7 (seven) places teaching the CCH course and most of them have all classes full through June. I got my son a seat in the 2nd July class where I took my training.

As we all know, guns and ammo are in short supply. I expect it to get worse.

My guess is, that the 45.7% of people who didn't vote for Hope and Change, will shoot first and ask questions later.

And I gotta get me one of them stickers.

Spider said...

As we all know, the Yobama administration has no intentions of letting last years SCOTUS decision, affirming our 2nd Amendment rights, stand, even though yo lying president said "he" won't be the one messing with that right. Now that doesn't mean that decision won't be vigorously and zealously attacked. It simply means the illusion will be created making Obomber look like someone else did the dirty work.

Along those lines, and to my "great" surprise, here's an article about Rep. Peter King, a conservative Republican from Long Island, NY, and what appears to be a strong anti-gun bill he just introduced. King has been around for a long time, and has always been "one of the good guys" in politics, so i really don't understand what he's doing on this one.

The other day i said that, since the Republican party is DOA, we now live under the rule of a one-party system of govt. very similar to what was seen in the Germany of the late 30's. I truly hope Rep. King's actions here are not a confirmation of my opinion.