Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mr. Gallup shows much that we already knew

Here's a shock. A recent Gallup Poll shows that liberals are fond of Socialism, and conservatives are not.
More than one-third of Americans (36%) have a positive image of "socialism," while 58% have a negative image. Views differ by party and ideology, with a majority of Democrats and liberals saying they have a positive view of socialism, compared to a minority of Republicans and conservatives.
That's right, liberals have a favorable view of Socialism. Honestly, I have no idea how to make fun of this. I tried, but could not come up with anything crazy, weird or smarmy to say. I think I was partly thrown off my game by the idea that ANYONE who calls themselves a conservative, could have a POSITIVE view of socialism.
Who'd they poll for that crazy idea, Arlen Specter?


Jimbo said...

Let me see if I an spell this correctly...


I wonder who paid Mr. Ponyrider for that one?

Spider said...

Not exactly earth-shattering news. For a minute, i was going to say they must have taken that poll in NYC. But if they had, the numbers would've been reversed. I recall someone doing a poll recently that showed only 21% of Americans call themselves liberal. Then again, most liberals won't admit they are.

Anonymous said...

When you say socialism, do you mean the way you sit around all day on disability and the rest of us pick up the tab?

BOW said...

That's not socialism. That is collecting from a disability insurance he paid into, including social security he was forced to buy into. The idea of insurance is very capitalistic I'd say. Socialism is bringing down the top to even things out, redistribution with no history or intent of contributing other than demanding something for nothing. But, anon, tell us of your contributions.

Schteveo said...

No, Anon, I mean socialism, where NO ONE has access to the internet, and where you'd be the dumb, psychophant MFer rounding up those of us that disagree with you, and sending us to be tortured and jailed, JUST for daring to disagree with you.

When I say socialism, I mean a place where anyone who wishes to disagree with the government must REGISTER to do so. When I say socialism, I mean a government where the will of the people is subverted, to give the Speaker of the House the power to FORCE a health care plan down their throats!!

Clear enough? Or do you need more definitions, 'cause we got 'em.

Schteveo said...

Socialism is when the government attempts to control industrial output and profits, via UNPROVEN scientific theory, and when said theory is found to be LIES, extrapolations and exaggerations, that government STILL continues to push for regulation of industry.

Socialism is when the government tells the people that the LACK OF SNOW is the PROOF OF anthropogenic global warming, then after record snow, tells the people that the RECORD SNOW is the PROOF of anthropogenic global warming.

I'm so glad that we don't live in such a country Anon, how about you?

Spider said...


Schteveo said...

Socialism is when the government says it can listen to your phone calls and track your movements, because the citizens have "no expectations of privacy" while carrying said phones. That means they can check where YOU are TOO, numb nuts!!

It means, my little friend, that 24 hours of every day, of every month, of every year, the United States of America would have the grabbed power to listen to every aspect of your life. They could find out when and where YOU eat, shit or fuck!!

Still all warm and fuzzy over socialism, dick weed?

[and I stick to my statement, I think you're an insider]

Schteveo said...

Geez, no snappy anon comebacks. What's wrong numb nuts, out of snappy rejoinders?

Anonymous said...

Socialism in the context we use the word nowadays is when some fatass gets to collect a check for doing NOTHING but whining about the government on a blog when he should be out collecting a paycheck for actually contributing to society.

I love it when you hypocritical whiners pretend that "you paid into" the system you collect from. Of course that ignores the fact that you HATE contributing to it and would love to see the social safety net shredded, unless of course it's your fatass that's being cradled by it. And there's no WAY you contributed anywhere NEAR what you've taken out.

See, that's how socialism works. They take from all of us and give to those in need. Or, like Schteveo and his little electric cart, those who complain about the system while they cash our checks. If we all sat around all day like him, there would be no money left. Isn't that what you selfish cretins usually say?

Disgusting. Truly the worst people on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Socialism isn't Big Brother which is what you're describing.

Socialism is what gives you so much time to bitch about the government that supports your lazy ass.

BOW said...

Most of us here who pay into Social Security might see a tiny fraction of that once we retire. I for one will probably never be able to retire, since I am force to pay over 14% of my gross income into that particular system. It also precludes me from hiring more people since I have to pay about 7% of their salaries into that as well. I'd rather take care of my own retirement and give my employees the additional 7% they earned to do with as they wish. I don't need, nor do I want, to pay for an inefficient system to make any of these choices for me.
Thomas Jefferson set up the system of employment based on "merit", something I don't think anon understands. Why not tell us a little of your background as well so we can have a decent and enjoyable discussion rather than you coming here with your ad hominum attacks on folks I know little about, and you know even less about? I'll check back in next week. And at least select some sort of name so the conversation makes some semblance os sense.

Jimbo said...

BOW said "..rather than you coming here with your ad hominum attacks on folks I know little about..."

That's all it does, Bill. I think it's one of those that goes around to various blogs, drops it's stink-bomb and runs. It couldn't answer a question or participate in a sane debate if its life depended on it. It probably never comes back to read the (over)reaction. That's why Stevie is right - anything except ignoring it is a waste of perfectly good pixels.

Very childish, very classless, very liberal.

BOW said...

Jimbo: Ixnay onway ethay anonway.

(even my cat likes to play with the mouse before it....finishes it off)


Jimbo said...

Oh... uh...

Ima orrysa.