Saturday, February 6, 2010

The underreported story of the week

A group of Republican senators unveiled two new proposals this morning aimed at curbing the deficit and reducing government expenditures.

The measures--a one-year moratorium on earmarks and a constitutional balanced budget amendment--could require deep cuts in spending if enacted.

Forty-nine state have balanced budget amendments, which, if applied to the federal government, would prevent Congress from running any kind of annual deficit. Such proposals often lead to steep spending cuts in the states when tax revenue drops. Supporters say such a requirement is the only way to force legislatures to make tough decisions about cutting programs.
Of course, this only works if they'll follow the law. We have a balanced budget here in NC, but it's been years since it actually happened. But no one screams loud enough to get the budget straightened out, so it goes on, and on, and on.
This is a great idea, but I'll not be holding my breath.


Jimbo said...

Wow, Stevie, good buddy...

Holding politicians accountable? Good luck with THAT!

A some liberal congress idiot said recently (I wish I had a link) - paraphrased - "The people have no right to question the authority of congress".

Now that boy need some SERIOUS hurt laid on him.

Spider said...

So long as we maintain a system whereby the people who write the laws are the ones stealing our money and breaking those laws, nothing will change. Human nature is such that when you put people in charge of everyone else's money, "they will steal it and/or waste it", especially when they have no fear of having to answer for their deeds. Just ask Charlie Rangle.

Schteveo said...

Hmm...not only was it the unreported story, it must be one nobody cares about anyway!! I'm as surprised by no comments, as I was for who sponsored this idea.