Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Surprise, Surprise

Do you remember one of last years major news stories, the one about the CIA and it's tactics when dealing with terrorists? The CIA stated, before congress, and under oath, that it had properly advised many members of congress about what they were doing. It was the story that made Queen Nancy Botox go on national TV (several times) and insult, malign, and accuse the CIA of being liars, stating that she was never informed. In fact, she said the CIA lies to congress "all the time"!

Well, i know this will come as a shock to you, but there is now "documented evidence" which shows that old Botox, and dozens of other elected, lying crooks, were in fact briefed by the agency heads, and on numerous occasions! So the broken-down, fake-faced bitch was lying through her false teeth, as most here assumed she was. I know we have truth-in-advertising laws, which are routinely ignored, but what we should have are "truth in politics" laws, where if an elected official is caught lying, they are taken out to the front of the Capital building, and promptly hanged. Nothing elaborate or expensive, just a tree, a rope, and a horse. Oh, and a TV camera crew so everyone can enjoy the sight of true justice...


Anonymous said...

No surprise at all.

BOW said...

We are rather efficient here. We see a problem and come up with simple low-cost solutions.

Schteveo said...

She's a lying....

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...


Jimbo said...

I refuse to believe that a politician - a representative of the people - can be a liar.


BOW said...


and the rest of your posts over the years...?

why did you suddenly need the explanation? maybe I should start to worry after all?

(shhhhh!!!!!don't tell him I'm pulling his chain too, ixnay!)

Jimbo said...

Oh! That was my CHAIN you were yanking...


Anonymous said...

Pelosi's popularity only matters in her district where they love her.

Schteveo said...

There was one comment removed, by me, it was, no surprise, from our troll. If it EVER made a comment that wasn't nasty, rude, or senseless, I'd leave it there, and discuss the topic. But this troll only knows how to be nasty.

This time he's happy mostly conservatives are suffering. Not sure how you come to that conclusion. Must'a been a Troll Poll in USA TROLL TODAY.

Spider said...

Did you catch what Queen Botox said at that bullshit summit? She said, "one of the reasons Odumbo's health care deal must be passed is because it will create 400,000 jobs, (instantly)!" And, since the Republicans apparently left their balls at home, no one challanged her on that remark, like, "oh really, prove it!"

Personally, i think the Demoncrats were successful in that, they made the Repubs look weak by lecturing and talking down to them. Again. Another sign was John McLoser taking that slap-in-the-face from Obummer, when the half-breed told McLoser that "the campaign is over", as in, stop showboating. McLoser should've said, "gee, Mr president, most of the American people feel that you've never stopped campaigning"!