Monday, March 23, 2009

American Idol and Colbert's NASA

We have determined that the American public is fairly ambivalent when it comes to voting for politicians (unless it's Obama!). But ask them to vote for a singer or performer and you get millions of responses. (*Disclaimer* I do not, nor have I ever, watched American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, or any other vote-for-your-favorite "talent" competition.)

But now we have a new useless voting scenario. It seem Stephen Colbert found out about NASA's website where people could vote on a name for NASA's new space station room. And asked his viewers to write in his name instead of voting for the given options. He won. Really, 230,539 votes isn't that many when compared to the population of the US. And the whole thing is really a moot point, because the vote isn't binding. But it is kinda funny.


Spider said...

That vote says a lot about the American people and our political system, and none of it is good. Fact: More people voted for the retards on American Idol then did for the retards in the 2004 presidential election!

Schteveo said...

that's true, or is it?

Voting for 'merican Idle is done from your cell phone or computer, it can be done repeatedly so long as you continue to dial, type or care and it happens weekly, for 3 months.

Not exactly like voting for an elected office. Unless you live in Chicago.

Schteveo said...

that should have said


Anonymous said...

The point being, not so much the actual votes, but the interest shown.