Tuesday, March 24, 2009


just like that socialist in Venezuela, Obama wants to seize control of ANY company..

click my new socialist order

people actually voted for & still support this guy???????


Missy said...

By government he means executive branch and by executive branch he means himself.. note how this bypasses any kind of judge so Obama can just wake up one day and call lil timmy in and say .. I feel like owning TGI today, go fetch.

Anonymous said...

I won the election & there is nothing you can do about it!

Anonymous said...

It's time.

We've got to strike hard, and fast, before they control our every breath.

Anonymous said...

Even a mere mention of this will cause the market to tank. I cannot believe that they are even considering this as an option, much less letting it out to the public.

Spider said...

Goob, think about where most of the info comes from, and who controls it. "Our" govt. is being taken over a piece at a time, and it won't really be noticed (thanks to the MSM) by the ever-sleeping people until it's too late. And we can't blame Obummer. We were warned he had a Marxist background. We were told about the people behind him who pull his strings. But the sheeple of Amerika decided to simply gulp down their Kool-Aid and cheer hysterically. Now, they deserve everything that's coming their way. I hope he and Pelosi, and Reid, and Soros, bring this country to it's knees. And even that won't make this nation of fools wake up.

As for the rest of us, buy as many guns and as much ammo as you can, because that will be the very first thing they go after.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't been there yet, visit:


Very funny!

Schteveo said...

that's some funny stuff.

Schteveo said...

So the Stock Market went down 115.65 today. Do we go back to blaming Bush, Cheney and Haliburton again?

Anonymous said...

gezz guys we already set the rules, we won the election so if it's good news I get the credit, if it's bad news - it's Bush's fault

I am not going to tell you again & oh by the way, I intended to nationalize this blog, just like my mentor Hugo Chavez does in his country