Friday, March 20, 2009

No One Goes to HH Anymore?



Anonymous said...

If 2 dudes do each other...what do they get? I say AIDS, or at very least a nasty rash. The "Game of Life" has been updated so they can get baby girls!|htmlws-main|dl5|link3|

How is this possible?

Schteveo said...

why not play to be gay? It's
Life imitating art, OR is it, art imitating Life?

If you can be gay in the game, it's Art, attempting to be Arlene!!

"No One Goes to HH Anymore?"

No, they don't. HH is the "be it" place of upper crust snobbery, meant for the rich and powerful, the watering hole of the elite thieves of all wealth, the meeting and planning place of the military industrial complex. HH is where "The Man" decides who to step on and keep down.

And, OH, how I miss it!!!

Anonymous said...

If two dudes do each other, they get asylum! And a special helping hand from that phony "war hero" John (the chin) Kerry!