Monday, March 16, 2009


this can't be
veteran care

as a combat veteran who (thankfully) never had to use a VA hospital, I am disgusted by this plan. Obama should be ashamed of himself.


Anonymous said...

hey i don't have time to worry about some enlistee's medical bills, I have to plan for my party...
will Fat Teddy be there?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Here's what B. Hussien O'Bama said on May 24, 2008:

Barack Obama told veterans Saturday that he can’t understand why Republican John McCain opposes legislation that would provide college scholarships to people who have served in the U.S. military.

“Now, let me be clear: No one can dispute John McCain’s love for this country or his concern for veterans. But here’s what I don’t understand. I don’t understand why John McCain would side with George Bush and oppose our plan to make college more affordable for our veterans,” the Democratic presidential candidate said. “George Bush and John McCain may think our plan is too generous. I could not disagree more.” […]

Obama, speaking to reporters aboard his plane Saturday, countered that the idea that he can’t speak on veterans’ issues because he didn’t serve in the military “makes no sense whatsoever.”

“I didn’t serve, as many people my age, because the Vietnam war was over by the time I was of draft age and we went to an all-volunteer Army. But obviously I revere our soldiers and want to make sure they are being treated with honor and respect,” he added.

hyp·o·crite noun
a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Anonymous said...

Obama, speaking to reporters aboard his plane Saturday,...where were they flying his exalted butt now? Does Mr. Stimulus know how much it costs US to put that 747 in the air? Not to mention all the ancillary stuff. When he said Air Force One was 'a spiffy ride', I didn't think he would live on the friggen' thing. I'll bet his travel costs so far is equal to the AIG bonuses.

Schteveo said...

OK, way back a year ago or more, I said that IF the Dems got control of the WH and Congress, they'd screw the pooch and the average citizens would revolt.

Several people said that the military would side with the powers that be, and hold the citizens away from lynching the elected worms.

My retort was that the powers that (would) be, would piss off the military too, and then the powers that be would be defenseless.

I believe that President BOHICA is about to reach his tipping point. Not bad. He's gotten everyone mad in less than 60 days. It might be a new record, even for a politician.

Blue said...

Obama pisses off more people
no offense

Blue said...

Obama pisses off another country

Anonymous said...

"The goal of the “liberals”—as it emerges from the record of the past decades—was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot—by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli."
– Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

Steve, don't make the mistake of believing that if veterans revolt against Obombers plans, active members will do the same. The overwhelming majority of the military don't see the president, (the man) they see the Presidency, (the office) and they would not revolt against that.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

And yet MORE people are pissed off.