Friday, March 6, 2009

Uh Oh, White House Seeks Economic Advice From Twitter

"[this] must mean they're *really* out of ideas."

out of ideas

what the....???


Anonymous said...

‘Obama Bear Market’ Punishes Investors as Dow Slumps

bear market

this bear market now has a name

Anonymous said...

"Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow"
kill the dow

I agree

Blue said...

".....he realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy, not just mitigate the recession and financial crisis."

even MSM is getting it right

Anonymous said...

"Deception at Core of Obama Plans"

want more?

Anonymous said...

" And yet with our financial house on fire, Obama makes clear both in his speech and his budget that the essence of his presidency will be the transformation of health care, education and energy. Four months after winning the election, six weeks after his swearing in, Obama has yet to unveil a plan to deal with the banking crisis.

What's going on? "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," said Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. "This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before."

Things. Now we know what they are. The markets' recent precipitous decline is a reaction not just to the absence of any plausible bank rescue plan, but also to the suspicion that Obama sees the continuing financial crisis as usefully creating the psychological conditions -- the sense of crisis bordering on fear-itself panic -- for enacting his "Big Bang" agenda to federalize and/or socialize health care, education and energy, the commanding heights of post-industrial society."

"nuff said

Schteveo said...

but isn't that what the Dems accused GWB of doing after 9/11? Playing on peoples fears for political gain? If it was wrong then for him, why is it OK now for The One? They're all bastards, lying bastards at that.

I say sharpen the guillotines my friends, sharpen the guillotines. Storm the Bastille, arrest the aristocrats, off with their empty heads!! It may be the last time the French got it right, but they did get it right.

Anonymous said...

The financial house was set ablaze by the republicans when they ruled unilaterally. You people think anyone forgets who was in power while this mess was building? There's a reason why your side lost BIG in the last two major elections.

Now, like thrill-sekking arsonists, the republicans sit back and try and stop anyone else from putting out the fire. Truly descpicable.

And if they bring back the guillotine, it will be used on republicans.

Schteveo said...

Obama calls latest job losses astounding

Astounding, huh? What's astounding is the amount of time HE spends actually DOING the job he SUPPOSEDLY wanted! I've heard more about his trip to the basketball game, than his ideas about how to save the country.

So, today, he's in Columbus, Ohio. Just how the hell is he going to work on the economy if he's NEVER in his office? I'm thinking he's supposed to be in D.C., not Columbus, or North Fork, or Boston.

Maybe he should just quit campaigning now, and DO the GD job. Maybe he should find enough people to fill the jobs he has open in his administration that have to do with the economy. Maybe he should go BACK to the Oval Office and get a BJ. Hell, even Clinton took phone calls while Monica was washing his willy!!

Finally, is it true that Alan Greenspan is stuffing his mattresses with Euros? Hiding Krugerrands under the floor boards? Stashing Mickey Mantle rookie cards under the ground chuck in the big freezer in the basement?

If he ain't, he oughta be.

And where the hell is Ben Bernanke? I've been in the MSM more since January 21st than he has!

Anonymous said...


A poster on another blog stated the following about Obama and the economy:

"once you say you can fix a problem, then make it worse, you own it."

The economy before Obama was like a car with bad spark plugs. Not running very well and getting worse every day. Along the "mechanic' Obama. He said, I can fix it. He took the wheels off and drained the gas and said "all fixed".

Anonymous said...

Of course this mess has been building for a long time as the Leftard occaisionally points out without insulting others personally, But, as I see it Leftard, P-BO is attempting to put out the fire with gasoline.

Thus far his actions and his proclamations regarding his alledged solutions are causing the bears to stampede when we need the bulls to take this mess by the horns.

As has been stated, he "promised" to "fix the world", thus far I don't see how that is going to happen on his watch with his policies. And he has only just begun.

Anonymous said...

I "appropriated" this comment from this MM thread...

On March 6th, 2009 at 11:14 am, stillontheroad said:
I was just thinking of this, add too it if you like.
Beware the Liberal, for they consume without creating.
Beware the Liberal, for they expect everything while doing nothing.
Beware the Liberal, for they belittle what they fail to understand.
Beware the Liberal, for they have no conception of the world around them.
Beware the Liberal, for they cast blame but never take responsibility.
Beware the Liberal, for they will always bite the hand that feeds them.
Beware the Liberal, for they will never be thankful for what they have.
Beware the Liberal, for they denigrate the country they live in, but reap all its rewards.
Beware the Liberal, for they will foul their own nest, move, and foul yours.


Remind any of the rational individualists around here of any species of oftern irrational collectivist known to defecate in these parts?

Try replacing "liberal" with "commie leftard" just for fun.

Anonymous said...

First, let me say that i have no idea what a twitter is, although i think i had one once when i was with a nurse i used to know, but i was drunk at the time, so don't hold me to it.

There is a very scary picture emerging here and that is, this half-breed and his handlers don't really have a clue about how to fix any of these massive problems. They ran him for office simply to implement their plans for a massive social engineering scheme that the far-left has been trying to do for decades. That's why all his efforts have been aimed at things like socialized medicine, housing for the so-called poor, mortgage bailouts for the so-called poor, huge increase in food stamp program, etc. In fact, even some of the cretins in the MSM are starting to catch on.

I have a feeling that last Nov. we witnessed the biggest scam in the history of the world. The notoriously stupid American people were told that some Marxist neighborhood organizer, who didn't have enough experience to run a hot dog cart, could run the US. And, they bought it! The results of their decision are becoming more clear every day.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Obama has had the time to go to the station and buy the gas much less pour it on. You're being ridiculous and I believe you know that.

This economy was like a rock rolling down a hill for a year or more. If you think ANYTHING can stop that momentum you are kidding yourselves.

Anything he tries to do your side opposes. Anything he proposes to do your side opposes. You're so filled with bitterness that you don't WANT him to have any success. You think the way to peoples' hearts is through their misery.

Let me remind you that 80% of people feel he inherited this mess and many people blame bush and the republicans. You won't be making great strides in 2010, especially when one sees the disarray your party is in, with no clear agenda, no leadership and nothing but the aforementioned bitteness and disappointment to sustain you.

GOP Still Looking For The Bottom

Four months after John McCain’s sweeping defeat, senior Republicans are coming to grips with the fact that the party is still - in stock market terms - looking for the bottom.

Republicans this week are processing two sobering new polls that found the party’s support reduced to a slim one-quarter of Americans. In the absence of a popular elected leader, its most visible figure is a polarizing radio host. Its strategic powerhouse is a still-divisive former House speaker forced from power 15 years ago.

And its hopes of demonstrating swift and visible change by pushing people of color to the fore have been dented by the stumbles of the party’s two most prominent non-white leaders, national Chairman Michael Steele and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

So perhaps it’s no surprise that many prominent Republicans are forecasting a long winter.

Of course people like Goober will claim to NOT be republicans but I really can't blame them. No one wants to be associated with the losing side.

Anonymous said...

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Schteveo said...

There you go Goober, HLT says its so, so you're a Republican.

I wish the turd would tell us all we're all fabulously wealthy!! See if THAT comes true. But he'd rather see us hungry.


Anonymous said...

Of course P-BO has not had time to get to the gas station.

He has had to take the time to steal over ONE-TRILLION dollars from generations not yet born so that he can purchase the gas.

He has the can (Nanny Nancy's House) and the matches (Lighthorse Harry's Senate) already.

And plenty of commies ready to give him a lift to the station.

And leftard, I hope you are correct about the demise of the elephant clan, because I see P-BO and Nancy and Harry bringing the end to the donkey clan, and perhaps finally we can get back to the Constitution and a TRUE government "of", "for" and "by" the PEOPLE.

Label youself or others as you see fit but I shall choose individualism over collectivism any day. And the donks and the elephants are 2 sides of the same coin, and neither worth an 1/8th of a shilling to me.

Anonymous said...

Ok, eschew labels but who you vote for is who you are.

Schteveo said...

How about, who you vote AGAINST, is who you are?

And trust me, many of us voted AGAINST, Obama, Kerry, Clinton the 2nd time, and Clinton the 1st time, and of course Dukakis. Actually the only one I ever voted FOR was Ronald Reagan. I voted against Jimmy Carter too, specifically because he was a bad CinC.

Your thoughts that we simply vote FOR whoever they put in front of us shows just how little you think. It never occurred to you, or any liberal I think, that we could conceivably hate your guys. Which is very odd. You constantly accuse us of being hate filled, yet don't think we can hate your candidates.

You think in a circle don't you?


alan said...

AHHH, the end has finally come.

Please pardon my absence, and I probably still wont' be around much for a while.

Last October I was invited to compete for the Whitehouse Fellows program. I thought "interesting, so...why me?" and started the ball rolling.

My beloved army agreed to release me and I made it through the first two selection "hoops".

During the state of the Union address, Mrs. alan & I looked at each other and, maybe he actually read my proposal on education...

And today I was informed that I wasn't selected to continue in the hoop jumping contest....but hey, being invited to compete was a nice honor.

That being said....The ONE, inherited a problem that he helped to create. I keep wondering why The ONE keeps saying he inherited something as if he had absolutely nothing to do with it....well I guess with all of his "present" votes, maybe he didn't. I guess they call it plausible deniability.

I wish he would "own" something though.

Anonymous said...

Oh he owns something alright. This multi-Trillion dollar deficite is ALL his!

Anonymous said...

Well HLF, as for POTUS, last November I marked my oval for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, in 2004 I wrote in "NONE OF THE ABOVE" and in 2000 I held my nose and punched a chad not really for GDUHB but more AGAINST the mighty bore AlGlobalWhore.

GDUHB is NOT now, nor EVER has been a "conservative" as I would call it. Him and McSkivieStain and the rest of the "name" elephant clan in this country are just as worthless as P-BO, Nanny Nancy and the rest of the donkey clan as far as I judge them.

They should all be shot for failing to uphold the oath they swore to the Constitution of this once great nation conceived in liberty but doomed to collectivism and tyranny without some cleansing blood to be spilled at the tree of liberty.

I have NEVER been a member of a political party and have sworn no oath but to GOD, my family and the Constitution of The United States of America.

You might say that "I AM JOHN GALT".

All this just so you know for certain, I am NOT a "republican", and I NEVER have been.

Anniee451 said...

They're not out of ideas - they are spending DNC money gathering slogans to tell off Rush Limbaugh; they're gonna put it on a billboard in his hometown. I sent in some choice ones. Plus they're busy with their Cloward-Piven Strategy. I'd say they're not even close to out of ideas. Go after Rush, bring down the economy...that's enough to keep 'em busy a while.