Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Goober said...

HAH, Bugger, I beat you to it!

Goober, the first, the best, the LEGEND... (and I'm modest, too!) :)

Nice picture, though...

Anonymous said...

is that Oprah?

Anonymous said...

Sen. Barack Obama wins - is next President!


What a long strange campaign it's been.

Now clean up this mess!

Jimbo said...

I like posts with pictures best.

I can't wait until these sniveling little leaches discover they have a false prophet.

Stiffed whores are a mean bunch.

F*ck Obama. It may be "president" but it will never be my leader.

Michelle - "First Ho". The Whitehouse will never be the same.

I don't think I will have my TV on anything but History Channel and ESPN for about 48 months. When I hear the sound of its voice (or the queen's) my gag reflex kicks in.

We now have a nation that is proven to be a majority of complete fools.

God save us.

Mrs. Jimbo and I were discussing this earlier - the good old USA has been in messes as bad - but her and I missed it because we were too busy living life. I give you Goober (er... Peanut) Carter as an example. He did his best to ruin us and give us to Communist Russia - yet we survived - and me and Mrs. Jimbo missed it because we were too busy living life in the Alaska bush country to notice. We decided if we again make certain we are too busy enjoying life to notice (just ingnore the stupid communist SOB), that again the scourge will die the death brought on by the disease of apathy, and pass us by.

America is, again, like a newborn. She has to grow to maturity every generation (about 30 years) and then learn the lessons of freedom ALL over again. We can only pray and stay armed. Well armed. Very well armed - and hope history's lesson sinks in for a generation or two following this new failed attempt to fix a fine-tooled machine with a sledgehammer swung by a madman.

Spider said...

Once again, the American people have shown that they prefer to learn things the hard way. And they will.

P.S. I can't wait to get my beer from Poots!

Anonymous said...


A fabled land conceived in liberty that was, for a much too brief moment in history, what a great American president called ‘a shining city on a hill’.

"Every election is a sort of advance auction of stolen goods.”
-- Mark Twain

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Good points.
Head down and back to work....and some play. We have a life to live.

Expect the best but be prepared for the worst.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

"Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

1 Samuel 16:7

Blue said...

welcome to the Unites States of West Kenya.

Hope you enjoy the show.

Blue said...

Oh & it looks like Prop 8 passed in CA
which means that the voters have overturned the courts ruling on gay marrage.......

Jimbo said...

Blue -
I betting the Calipornia Judges throw out the vote of the people in favor of the homos.

What do "the people" know. I mean - look at the cartoon character they voted in as president.

People are to be controlled - not listened to.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I'm hearing this morning that there are already 2 lawsuits challenging the validity of Prop. 8.

Anonymous said...

i have lived through the presidencies of:

1. Franklin Roosevelt [just a little of it]

2. Harry Truman.

3. Dwight Eisenhower

4. John Kennedy

5. Lyndon Johnson

6. Dick Nixon

7. Gerald Ford

8. Jimmy Carter [barely]

9. Ronald Reagan

10. George H. W. Bush

11. Bill Clinton.

12. George W. Bush

I guess I'll survive an Obama presidency.


Blue said...

for me:
Harry S Truman
Dwight David Eisenhower
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Richard Milhouse Nixon
Gerald Rudolf Ford
James Earl Carter
Ronald Wilson Reagan
George Herbert Walker Bush
William Jefferson Clinton
George Walker Bush

I don' think I'll survive
Barack Hussein Obama

Spider said...

When a new president is sworn in by the Chief Justice, they always state their full (first, middle and last) name? You think Yomama will actually say Hussein in front of millions of people?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Good question Spidey.

Jimbo said...

He'll slip up.

He won't have a teleprompter.

He'll say "Uh, uh, uh, Berry, uh, uh, Hus... uh, Could you repeat the question, and what is, uh, your definition of "is", uh?"

Anonymous said...


An uncontrollable fit of knee-weakening rapture which shuts down all synaptic activity in any Obamunist the moment they hear Messiah Barry’s voice.

"Communism, like any other revealed religion, is largely made up of prophecies..”
-- H. L. Mencken