Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goodbye Billy Graham. Hello gay bishop.

The Times of London reports that the president-elect sought out New Hampshire homosexual bishop Vicki Gene Robinson for advice three times during his presidential campaign. It looks like Billy Graham has been replaced by a gay bishop. We're moving to, perhaps, our first anti-Christian president; it's beyond post-Christian. Gene Robinson advocates homosexuality as part of the Christian experience.

Don't be confused by his name, like he obviously was. Who, in their right mind, would name a son Vicki?? And homosexuality as part of the Christian experience?? In the words of one of my dearest friends, "You are a confused dipshit."


Annie said...

Coming soon to your home town:

1. Homosexual marriage performed by local clergy legally mandated to perform such unions under threat of the loss of their churches non-profit status.

2. National ban on machine guns. Note: any semi-automatic pistols or rifles having a high-capacity [more than 10 rounds] magazine will be considered machine guns. Crafted by that noted sportsman and firearms expert Senator Ted Kennedy.

3. Mandatory service in the new administration's Civil Defense Corps, having primary responsibility for the confiscation of banned [read, all] firearms.

4. Revolution.

Jimbo said...

C-bug - Amazing - that's one of my favorite 'sayings' as well. :-)

Annie -
I believe The Obamunists have an easier way to get to many of our firearms. Obama wants to confiscate all retirement accounts, put them in his account and call it social security. Five'll get you ten there will be certain "stipulations" before the Obamunists will release "your" money back to you... such as turning in your registered guns, refraining from "hate speach", using open ballots...

C-Bug - I put in my teeth just for you, sweetheart. But I ain't gonna put on lipstick.

Spider said...

Think it can't get any worse? How about having fat Al (the world's burning and we've only got minutes to live) Gore as "Climate Czar"! Can you just see some of Yomama's Youth Corps stormtroopers coming into your home and checking your thermostat, or looking to see what type of light bulbs you're using? Well, ya gotta give the boy points for one thing, he's giving us plenty of warning about what we're in for!

Jimbo said...

WHOA! Spidey - you're gonna give me nightmares.

Now I'm going to have to lay M18A1s around the house...

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

What wonderful teeth you have, my dear!

Jimbo said...

I don't suppose any mooooslims will be hanging around THESE parts.