Wednesday, November 5, 2008


"Borrowed" from another blog.
Maybe yes, maybe no - time will tell.


Schteveo said...

Probably true....but it will be a long slow death.

Jimbo said...

I tend to agree, Steve.
Ultimately it will depend on, IMO, three main things;

Will we be able to remain an armed nation?
Will we keep our property rights?
Will the liberals use the "Fairness Doctrine" to regulate speech?

If any of these freedoms fall, the others will closely follow, and the end will be at hand.

Anonymous said...

The left says that right wing talk radio is pornography.


Anonymous said...

C'mon, folks, chin up! If our Grandfathers were here right now, they'd be kicking all of our asses for being whiners. His generation stormed the beaches of Normandy. Our generation says the nation is dead because the democrats got control of congress and the presidency.

They will destroy themselves, just give them time. We survived Carter, and we can survive Obama. 2 years is all we need. We'll have a chance to get back some congressional seats and possibly take back the house and sentate once folks see how totally fucked up the democratic majority will be, and we'll be just fine.

The best thing that could possibly happen to us right now is for things to get bad under Obama and his legislative toadies. If the approval ratings stay down around 9%, we'll have a conservative rebirth in the next two elections. Just tighten your belt, buy all the ammo you need for the next two years, and sit back and watch the parasites eat each other alive.

Anonymous said...

That leads me to consider that if Obama and the Democratic hooligans in both houses demonstrate to the American public that all of the campaign promises were hollow, and 'they' stay on the same socialistic path of screwing things up worse, we just might see a national outcry and a demand for impeachment.

I was asleep in Civics so i have to ask a silly question:

can the populace demand and get an impeachment? Can it be extended to include members of both houses?

Is that possible, or are we just screwed and have to watch the damages mass?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Obama's talking heads are already putting the spin on future Obama failures. Paraphrased: "I wouldn't call this a mandate. There has been a lot made out of voter turnout but it was the same as in 2004." "I suggest he take deliberate and patient steps. The campaign is over. He may not be able to keep all the promises he made during the campaign. This is not a good time to raise ANYONE's taxes." (Gee....That sounds like John McCain). And as Spidey already pointed out, Obama is already campaigning for 2012 saying this could take a long time. Reid, Pelosi and Clinton ARE taking this as a mandate to run far to the left. If Obama decides he really is going to be a centrist, they, especially Clinton, are going to go after him. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

As a Business owner who employs 30 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that since Barack Obama is our new President, that my Taxes and Fees will go up in a BIG way.

To compensate for these increases, I figure that the Customer will have to see an increase in my fees to them of about 8%. I will also have to lay off 6 of my employees. This really bothered me as I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who will have to go.

So this is what I did. I strolled through the parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on my employees cars. I have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off.

I can't think of another fair way to approach this problem. If you have a better idea let me know.

Spider said...

That's pretty optimistic Goob, especially when you consider just how much damage the Left can do in four years. And if there's enough Kool-Aid left, (the MSM will see to it) 8 years!

How much damage they do, and more importantly, and how long it will last depends on how soon they acquire their main target, the SCOTUS. Those folks don't use erasers.

Can the people demand an impeachment? Seeing how the people can even elect their own president, no they can't impeach. "the senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.

Anonymous said...

Suicide? Yes, for it is the people who will cause this nations downfall.

Jimbo said...

Good question:
Can congress impeach themselves?

Missy said...

RIP me and my guest authorship. I am still not able to post.

Jimbo said...

"In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president."
Ann Coulter, 11/05/08

Spider said...

Don't feel bad Missy, neither can i. Did we do something wrong?

P.S. Is everyone getting that VERY annoying "secure page" box on your screen when you hit this page? I think it's caused by the pictures inserted.

Anonymous said...

How To Survive The Next Four Years:

1) As soon as you finish reading this rant, reprogram your boob tube system to erase ALL the cable news stations from your channel surfing lineup. This includes: Fox, CNN, Headline News, CNBC and MSNBC.

2) When you’re watching ABC, CBS or NBC and the news comes on, switch channels.

3) Whenever you hear the Messiah’s voice, IMMEDIATELY, turn off the radio or television. Hearing that Marxist drivel will drive you crazy.

4) Find a public and a private scapegoat. If you live in the Sanctuary City of Angels, I’m told, by a reliable source, that KABC radio host, Doug McIntyre, is an admitted Obamunist. He, or someone like him in your listening area, will do just fine.

You’ll also need to find a private scapegoat. It should be someone who can’t drop you like a bad habit. That means, ideally, that avowed Obamunist who taints your family tree. It could also be a friend, neighbor, acquaintance or co-worker. The choice is up to you.

Now that you’ve selected your public and private scapegoats, you sit back and wait for Messiah Barry to channel his inner Joseph Stalin. When that happens, you’ll be boiling mad and need someone to scream at. That’s the time you get up close and personal with your public and/or private scapegoat and unload all your Obama-induced rage on them. It won’t change the state of things in America, but verbally eviscerating your designated Obamunist will do wonders for your sanity.

Think of the hours of fun you’ll have, during Messiah Barry’s 50-year reign, terrorizing your designated Obamunist. Imagine all the worthy images you’ll have of your designated Obamunist fleeing a family gathering in abject terror, when you enter the room.

5) If you’re an achiever and you don’t relish the idea of working your ass off to support some Obamunist parasites, you need to borrow a page from Ayn Rand’s playbook and SHRUG. You need to curtail your endeavor to a bare minimum, for as long as this Marxist class warfare crap lasts. You need to do just enough to provide for the immediate needs of you and your family, but no more. Put your journey to the American dream in a holding pattern, until you are, once again, allowed to use the fruits of your labor, your intellect, as YOU see fit.

Remember The First Rule of Parasites:

A host (achiever) can thrive without the parasite, but the parasite dies without its host.

In other words, they need you, but you don’t need them!

(From the wild minds at PIG)