Sunday, November 9, 2008

Socialized Medicine and President BOHICA

As we heard numerous times during the campaign, Senator Obama wants EVERYONE to have medical insurance. So far the insurance companies and the PharmaCos have been silent. Or, have they?

It seems to me that Obama was playing to his party's strongest supporters, the African-American community voted between 95% and 97% for Obama. But I think the drug companies saw ALL of this coming a few years ago. Why else would they start giving the new drugs names that sound like names among African-American women?

You might think I'm wrong, but here are some of the ones I could think of.






It may be my "whiteness" talking here, but that sounds like roll call at choir practice, at St. Jesse Jackson A.M.E. Church to me.

Posted by a Honky named Steve


Jimbo said...

Aren't some of those drugs intended to make little dicks BIG?

Hmmm. That is curious.

But I thought Obama was going to cure that? Liberal "men" just think of him and viola!: Instant "erectile disfunction" cure.


"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Hmmmmm.....Wonder if they'll name one Seadash?

Spider said...

Do ya think they'll staff the White House with White maids, butlers, cleaners, and cooks? You can bet there won't be any Whites on his SS detail.

Schteveo said...

are you saying that Pres.-elect BOHICA wil practice reverse discrimination?

Surely you jest sirah!

Anonymous said...

O VIAAAAAAGRA! HUNNY. I bees cummin baby.

Ya'll puts da shrimps away der Viagra hunny, cause Poots be kummin home wit de crabs.

Anonymous said...

And Steve.. It is not 'Honky' it is 'Hunky' derived from 'bohunk', ie 'Bohemian'. As in 'all dem white bohunks look de same to me'.

ChiTown Poots

Anonymous said...

Hunky is derived from Hungarian.
In the 50's as the Hungarians fled communism & became legal immigrants to the USA, the black folk would call them Hunkys - not a term of respect