Monday, November 3, 2008

A Most Important Day in the History of Earth

The Time is Upon Us (US)

Will Americans choose Free Market or Socialism?

Will Americans benefit under Obama’s tax plan or will they benefit under the McCain tax plan?

Will we benefit more from taking care of the contributors or from taking care of the non-contributors?

Will the “popular” media win the election, or will Common Sense prevail?

Will you clean out your 401K on Wednesday or let it ride?

Will you buy bullets on Wednesday, or jewelry, (or groceries)?

Will America become energy independent or dependent on Arab and Venezuelan energy?

Will we be paying a “CO2” tax to Algorians that will bankrupt our power industries (and us)?

After the third week of January, will it be legal for you to protect your family and property, or you must be dependent on a “Civilian Defense Force” to decide if you are worthy to be defended?

Under the New Socialist Party, will you be allowed to keep your property or must you give it over to the “Greater Good”?

They are Borg. You are screwed.

Vote! And pray to your Higher Power (mine is Jesus Christ and I’m not ashamed to say it) for a continuation of the values Americans allow to not only us (US) but to needy countries who depend on our intervention and generosity when their worthless leaders f*ck up. If Obamunism prevails, may God have mercy on the once greatest voice for Him in all the world (America), and for all those who without us (US) will fail.

Your good friend Jimbo has vented. It's a big day. If I may be so bold, F*CK Obama!


Anonymous said...

"They are Borg"

LOL. What a great description!

I'm waiting for the "Resistance is futile!" statement...

Missy said...

I prefer to say we are choosing between Socialism and Marxism. The only reason McPain looks any bit of decent is because of Obama. McPain did not even have the nads to take the gloves off.

Anonymous said...

"Resistance is futile!"

Anonymous said...

RT, You ask for it you got it!

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

I'm afraid Missy is right. The lesser of 2 evils. But in this case, the greater evil is truly evil.

As for your questions, Jimbo, Mr. Bug and I will probably let the 401K ride but control what is bought and sold in it, as we always do, and already been buying guns and bullets and will be buying some none perishable groceries. We have prayed (also to Jesus Christ). God help us. Ultimately, He is in control and His plan will prevail.

Spider said...

This morning, as expected, most of the media talking heads are discussing how (not if) Yomama will govern.

As i've said all along, no matter who wins, those of us who are free-thinking, freedom loving Americans will have lost. I also predicted that Yomama would win, given the fact that McLoser was unwilling/incapable of taking the gloves off and fighting. He said he wanted to take the high-road in this campaign, and for the most part he did. Unfortunately for McLoser, (and even more for us) that high road has led him to a major defeat.

Missy said...

Yea C-Big but that is what nobody gets. America is moving more socialist and instead of a revolution that would not work with a well-armed populace, we are being led by a different method... we make socialism palatable by running him/her/it against someone even MORE socialist. The end result is still a move along that road we are on.

Anonymous said...

"Logic is a little birdie tweeting in the meadow. Logic is a bouquet of pretty flowers that smell bad."

Spider said...

Someone on a news show this morning mentioned that we'll be going socialist with Yomama. Another guest then said, "hey, where've you been? That so-called bail-out was in fact the first step toward socialism." He was right!

Anonymous said...

Are Americans choosing socialism, or are they simply accepting it like they accept everything else?

Anonymous said...

I choice da feee cheeze mans

Koasa said...

BORG - Barry Obama's Revolution Gestapo

Schteveo said...

If Obama gets elected, there will be rioting as celebration...

If Obama doesn't get elected, there will be rioting as hate and discontent...

OMG, I'm living in Central America!!

Anonymous said...


OK this'll do. I knew ya'll wouldn't ditch me. Except I'll just have ot figger out what it takes to post like before.
I'm off to the East Coast again to shoot some raw oysters (nothing to do with Missy.... sorry) check out the lounges, an drink a few opps, slipping into Billy The Mountian routine.

When I get back on Monday and McCain is Prez all you guys will owe me a beer. All you girls however...... can take 'turns' while I'm drinking those beers

Koasa said...

Borg Obama Button:

"Your paycheck will be assimilated"

Spider said...

Poots, i prefer Becks Dark.

Anonymous said...

You gonna owe me a ho CASE of Shit's Malt Liquor, honky.


Anonymous said...

who ya be callin' a ho, sambo?

Anonymous said...


Ladies ya'll gonna git a taste of one sudsy Poot when I gits bak.

Anonymous said...

Some interesting quotes:
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson
When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.
Thomas Jefferson
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. – Alexander Tytler