Sunday, November 16, 2008

Freedom of Speech? Not Any More

Not being a lawyer, i'm not sure what the "doctrine of human rights" is. It sounds like something coming from the socialist EU, or part of the New World Oder we'll be living under. I know what the Constitution is and what it says about political speech. I also know that when the Left invented hate speech, it was meant to stifle any speech they didn't like. I also know that treating president-elect Yomama the same way that president Bush has been/is/and will continue to be be treated, will not be tolerated by the Left and it's MSM. It looks like the First Amendment may be in for a "tweaking"...


Schteveo said...

I'm not speaking about free speech anymore.

Anonymous said...

Bill O'Writes is dead

Anonymous said...

NEVER! He shall live on in the minds of free people everywhere. Whenever people are being oppressed, wherever rights are being violated, his spirit shall be there. Mounted on his trusty steed, his shining sword shall be raised anytime the rights of the little people are being threatened, or if he spots a great-looking rack walking down the street.

Anonymous said...

"Things that are free usually end up costing twice as much"!

Prof. Erwin Corey

Jimbo said...

To each according to his...
Skin color, pervertedness, and ability to worship The Zero.

Anonymous said...


The basic unit of Amerikan society, the one whose inalienable liberty our Founding Fathers tried to protect from Nanny State abuse, in the U.S. Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I imagine BOW as the dentist in The Little Shop of Horrors laying dead by that little spitter thing next to the dentist chair with some supercharged Nitrous Mask jobbie on his face and a 10.5 HP mega drill in his hand.

MentalFloss Poots

Annie said...

From the article...

"I don't give a damn. They can view it as anything they want. They can view it as comedy. They can view it as hateful. Whatever the hell they want I don't care," Germana said.

I don't know hom much better this could be said.

Annie said...

"Not being a lawyer, i'm not sure what the "doctrine of human rights" is."

I cannot find any such thing as "the doctrine of human rights;" however read all about the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights here:

Annie said...


We all know how relevant and timely is the UN! I certainly know that I hang on every hand wringing resolution deploring this and that that comes out of that anachronistic, atavistic piece of a useless waste of manhatan real estate.

Anonymous said...

1.) Speech threatening public officials has never really been considered free speech.

2.) Effigies of public officials have been hanging since before the USA was even created. It is time-honored politics.

3.) If a hanging Sarah Palin is art, then this is no different.

YOu cannot apply a double standard. Either effigies are not acceptable and are not free speech, as they are threats to public figures;


Effigies are art/political speech and should not be punished.

You can't have both ways and apply it depending on your political affiliations.