Friday, February 6, 2009

...and now, the back pedaling starts

So they've got a dollar amount under which the stimulus package will most likely pass. A paltry $780 billion deal. And immediately the vice-messiah starts back pedaling. Seems he's told the Dem Caucus that this may come back to bite them in the next elections.
I guess thinking of that BEFORE they spent our .78 TRILLION $$$$ wasn't the way to go?
Poorer Schteveo


Anonymous said...

I became confused when I heard these terms with reference to the word ‘service’.
Internal Revenue ‘Service’ - U.S. Postal ‘Service’ - Telephone ‘Service’ - Cable ‘Service’ - Civil ‘Service’ – Customer ‘Service’ – State, City and County ‘Service’.
This is not what I thought ‘service’ meant. But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one said he had hired a bull to ‘service’ a few cows. BAM!! It all came into focus. Now I understand what all those ‘service’ agencies are doing to us.
I hope you are as enlightened as I.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you cons weren't so fiscally conservative when you turned us from a creditor to a debtor nation under Reagan/Bush and then doubled the debt under bush the fratboy idiot. Or when you were spending $3 trillion in Iraq.

Now you bitch about investing in your own country.

You people are like cancer for a culture.

Anonymous said...

The head is roaring again.

Schteveo said...

Here's a hint, dumbfuck, there are actually PLENTY of us who are / were appalled at the money that was spent over the last eight years. After they're elected we have little control over their actions you know.

Unlike you liberals, we don't authorize or stand by every thing that is done by people we elect. As a matter of fact, mot of us voted AGAINST the Dems who were running, not FOR the Republicans. Not to mention, most of the "Republicans" currently in office are RINOs.

As to your supposed hold on the country politically for years to come, I suggest you look up "Roe Effect".


Anonymous said...

I lost friends and relatives in the fight against communism. Communism is everything that America (at least the America that was good, healthy and wealthy) abhores.

Yet you people let an admitted communist (HLF) freely post insults and propaganda on your blog. To what end? To prove you are tolerant? Look at the mess tolerance has gotten our country into.

One of the reasons communism is back is because you were "PCed" into letting them in the back door.

I'm an old man. I'll be 70 in 4 months. I've seen alot but nothing like it is now. When I was a young man, I would have hunted down HLF and put a bullet in his head because he's no good. No good to America and no good to humanity. He would have cheered the gooks in viet nam and in korea where commie gooks killed my first cousin. Why do you young people put up with his nonsense? I'd say that dripping faucet needs to be fixed before the kitchen floods.

Your letting him spout off without retribution is why America is in the fix it's in now.

I would hope you good people would think about that. Being right is sometimes not tolerant. That's why we used to spank our children. When you quit spanking yours look what they did to America.

I am glad I'm old. Maybe I'll die before my country does.

David B.

Anonymous said...

David, your comment is both sad and accurate. Unfortunately, the America you (and i) grew up in is dead. And the truly sad part is that is wasn't only the lying crooks who run this country who killed it. It was allowed to die by a weak people who have given up their right and ability to think for themselves.

Anonymous said...


Letting the Elected Tormentor scumbags fix the very problems which they created, then exacerbated, through their ham-fisted bungling.

Anonymous said...

LOL David! - My daddy would have been 78 this year, and he would have said the same thing damn near word for word.

Even the "I would have hunted down HLF and put a bullet in his head because he's no good" part. He would have said it, but he'd never have done it - that was in his best fantasies. But he damned sure would have offed-them on a battle field. Maybe that's what you meant?

And I don't know why we let the worthless cum-swallowing piece of crap scream "FIRE" in our theatre. That's not up to me or us. Annie has her rules, and I feel privileged to post here. When she returns (she went to some voodoo place *snicker*) maybe she'll see fit to wipe the shit from this blog's butt.

May you live long and prosper - whether you want to or not. :-)

Anonymous said...

"People on the left want the right to impose their idea of what is good for society on others— a right that they vehemently deny to those whose idea of what is good for society differs from their own.

The essence of bigotry is refusing to others the rights that you demand for yourself. Such bigotry is inherently incompatible with freedom, even though many on the left would be shocked to be considered opposed to freedom." ....Thomas Sowell

nerd said...

Too bad you cons weren't so fiscally conservative when you turned us from a creditor to a debtor nation under Reagan/Bush and then doubled the debt under bush the fratboy idiot. Or when you were spending $3 trillion in Iraq.

I suppose we actually are going to need to type slower and use shorter words so that you can keep up. If you examine the political beliefs of everyone here you will find that the majority opinion is one of libertarianism. If you don't know the definition of the word and are incapable of finding it in an online dictionary, let me know and I'll post it for you. Most of us do not march in lock-step with the Republican Party as your inane, idiotic and simplistic rants would suggest. You're new here, so I'll fill you in. Spider and Annie have long suggested that your favorite target, George Bush was an idiot; so I suppose you, Spider and Annie agree on that. You're not popping anyone's cherry with childish, infantile insults about Bush or Reagan.

I challenged you on another discussion thread to come out and play; to show me where socialism or communism has succeeded. As ususal, you exhibited your customary cowardice by running off to another thread to post yet more infantile insults.

What you are thunders so loudly that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

So long old man. You're a relic. A has-been.

You should drop to the ground and thank the liberals for creating a post-Depression world where you could grow and prosper, otherwise you'd still be shitting outdoors and living in a one room shack.

Who's paying for your health care? Medicare? GIVE IT BACK. Your last health care bill will be paid by SOCIALISM. I'd let you fucking DIE before spending a penny on you.

Ingrateful, pustulent, oozing sore on the asshole of life. Lives under the best times of opportunity and equality in this country's history then denigrates the people who gave them to him.

Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Nice, HLF. Really nice. Such a 'colorful' vocabulary. Learn that in the bath houses?

Verbally attacking an old man. I bet your two mothers are really proud of you.

I bet David B. could kick your butt in a fair fight. What do you think? Is that why you feel justified in wishing death to him? Does he bring out the coward in you?

Keep up the posts. They represent so-called liberal tolerance at its very best.

nerd said...

Yet again, the craven nature of the liberal is exposed. Yet again, the intelligence of the liberal is exposed by the use of profanity when polite language is required.

From the novel, Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis, "You're a crude, vulgar show-off and your vocabulary belongs in an outhouse.

Blue said...

we have found that simply ignoring him & not responding to his baited comments works....

when we won't play with him, he leaves us alone & goes off to play with himself......

Anonymous said...

I would have hunted down HLF and put a bullet in his head because he's no good.

That was a quote from the kindly old man. Charming, huh?

He's a piece of shit like all conservatives. If I talked to him for 5 minutes I would find out just how much he's benefited from the "socialism" he wants to kill me over. The crusty asshole took from the society all of his life and doesn't see any hypocrisy in it.

I know too many people like him. Why don't you ask him if he's spending his Social Secuirty or getting Medicare? Ask him if his parents claimed their bills to Medicare. Ask the cheap old bastard how much he's TAKEN from the collective and hasn't given back.

Fuck him and anybody that thinks their age allows them to want to "put a bullet in his head".

Anonymous said...

Too late coward. You already made a fool of yourself again. We note you didn’t even attempt to refute the fact he called you out as a communist. To a man his age, communists ARE the enemy. Communists killed his family members so he’d just as soon kill a communist. I can’t argue with him. You want him dead but he’s not allowed to want you, a communist, dead.

You have an opinion of him, but he’s not allowed to have an opinion of you. You stink the place up with ignorant, foolish tirades, but he’s supposed to shut up and die. And you have the nerve to call others hypocrites.

Keep it coming, fool. With every word you expose yourself for what you are, and it's not attractive.

Anonymous said...

We should euthanize old fools like him. At the very least people like that should be denied any help in their old age. Get your health taken care of on your own goddamn dime. We can't be allowing you any socialism.

Fuck him, fuck you and fuck all things conservative. It's simply a gutter ideology based on all that is wrong about humans, nurturing the worst instincts of greed, selfishness and fear.

Anonymous said...

He's old, so you assume he's not taking care of himself out of his own pocket? How very, very assuming and naive of you. (It's liberals who are on the dole.)

Fear? You're the cowardly communist. Never fought for anything in your life, did you?

You keep proving yourself a fool. Over and over and over and over.

And you just can't help that foul-mouth, can you?

LOL! So typical.

Come on - give us another dose of communist wisdom. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I assume that if he's a conservative he's taking everything he can from the government. They ALL do.

See, cons are like the guy who eats out with a group of people. He orders the most expensive dinner, has the most drinks and then, when the check comes, is hiding in the bathroom until everyone else pays it.

Cheap bastards. Chislers. Deadbeats. Taking their share and filling their pockets with the share of several others. That's conservatives.

Seen in a hundred times.

Anonymous said...

"Seen in a hundred times."


Anonymous said...

since they have jobs, conservatives pay taxes
liberals on the other hand only pay taxes if they are caught cheating

liberal welfare moms (like the one who just had 8 kids making a total of 14) who doesn't have a job or insurance are the ones who spend the tax dollars

rule of thumb: conservatives work, pay taxes, & save
liberals enjoy welfare & free cheese

Anonymous said...

Mr. Reagan - couldn't have said it better myself.

Baffling how liberals think they can blame someone else for the country's woes when they know full well its their own socialistic programs that put us here. They will work to revise history until they're red in the face.

But God knows.

Ultimately, truth can't be hidden and they will be exposed. They will travel to hell gnashing their teeth, blaming conservatives and God for their eternal damnation.

A lot of good it will do them to lay blame from Hell. No one will hear them from there.

Anonymous said...

HLF said "Fuck him, fuck you and fuck all things"

Is that eloquently spoken or what? Damned impressive. Damned impressive.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get for responding to this leftist puke.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, could you be any more disingenuous? Blaming liberals for the mess we're in? Perhaps if this was 1965. but we just came off a 30 year period of conservative dominance.

You people bragged about your little "conservative revolution", you bragged about your takeover of Congress, your tax cuts, your dominance of state legislatures, governorships. You bragged about Reagan's landslides and fabulous popularity. You bragged about keeping Clinton so tied up with investigations and scandal he was cowed and weakened and governed like a republican-lite. You bragged about taking total control in 2000 and adding seats in 2002, something that hadn't happened before as the party in the White House had always lost seats in an off-year congressional election. (Thank GOD for 9/11, huh?) You bragged about how the country was firmly conservative, the "New Republican Century", the "Permanent Republican Majority". You had it all, baby!

And now that it's turned to SHIT and you can't get the stink off of your disgusting fetid hides, you want to try and rub it on the democrats. The democrats who were locked in the basement of the Capitol like some crazy aunt.

It'll NEVER work, freaks. You're fucked. Republicans are fucked. And they're not winning any friends by wanting us to stand by while the house burns down or worse, throwing more republican-failure-policy gasoline on it.

No wonder you're hoping for another 9/11. It's all you have left to hope for.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, do people actually think like HLF? This planet is doomed.

Anonymous said...

vote for me, I'll make all the changes that Obama didn't keep his promise on

Anonymous said...

how come HLF keeps ignoring our 12 of the last 30 years & our economic polices that lead to the financial crisis that started as soon as Obama was nominated??

Huh? Huh?

Anonymous said...

His thought process is clearly the result of incest and inbreeding, often leading to bouts of prolonged and uncontrollable masturbation.

Medical solution: Suicide

Anonymous said...

Carter preceded the last 30 years, idiot fuck.

Like I said, republicans DOMINATED in political power, policy and agenda for THIRTY YEARS.

The debt DOUBLED from 2000-2007 while BUSH AND THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS held the reins. The subprime loans were made FROM 2000-2007.

Slimey fucking weasels think you can blame others when you bragged about being on top. It's DIGUSTING, SLIMEY and EVIL. But it's how you people are in life, in business and in character.

A total waste of OXYGEN.

Anonymous said...

What didn't republicans get to do? Reagan got his tax cuts and was immensely popular, instituting all of his policies, Clinton ended welfare "as we know it", Bush got hhis tax cuts and his war and spent us into a hole.

What did democrats dfo to stop you? Name me one liberal leader who held sway over ANY decisions. Name me one conservative policy that was blocked.


Now take your responsibility for this mess and go kill youselves. You should be rounded up and put in work camps. If there was an justice.

Anonymous said...

HLF said "What didn't republicans get to do? Reagan got his tax cuts and was immensely popular, instituting all of his policies, Clinton ended welfare "as we know it", Bush got hhis tax cuts and his war and spent us into a hole."

wait a minute, I was & still am a democrat

Anonymous said...

Cater was president from 1977 - 1981
by my conservative math half of his term was within the last 30 years

by your liberal math, maybe not

& the subprime loans made in 19930 - 2008 were made under the laws & regulations passed during the Clinton years......the republicans proposed changes but the democrats had the votes to keep the bad laws in place

you know, the laws & regulations that the Community Organizers lobbied for in 1993 - 2000(Clinton's term) so that welfare recipients could use their food stamps as income to qualify for a mortgage

Anonymous said...

The private lending market, in bed with Wall Street, led us to ruin.

Republicans controlled everything vrom 2000-2007. They did NOTHING to correct the problems you say were inherent in lending. For that matter, they ran Congres most of the time from 94-07 and had ample time to correct the problems with lending you say existed.

The truth is, you people, you disgusting greedy shitstains, ran EVERYTHING and were too busy filling your pockets to worry about when the shit hit the fan. All you live for is MONEY and are solely motivated by GREED.

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Subprime lending offered high-cost loans to the weakest borrowers during the housing boom that lasted from 2001 to 2007.

Subprime lending was at its height from 2004 to 2006.

Federal Reserve Board data show that:

More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions.

Private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year.

Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that's being lambasted by conservative critics. [The CRA]

Blue said...

savior based economy

Anonymous said...

Who gives a fuck what a republican governor from the south says?

He can shut his cracker ass piehole. He's lucky he and the rest of his party of ignorance aren't in work camps.

They should be. That or standing in front of a firing squad.

nerd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nerd said...

Yet again, we are treated to more immature, idiotic, infantile frothing at the mouth; more wishes for someone's death; more inherent, unthinking ignorance and best of all, more thuggish, profane hyperbole that would not rate a passing grade in a freshman high school English composition class.