Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Flushing money in Australia

Householders to be charged for each flush of toilet

HOUSEHOLDERS would be charged for each flush under a radical new toilet tax designed to help beat the drought. The scheme would replace the current system, which sees sewage charges based on a home's value - not its waste water output.

CSIRO Policy and Economic Research Unit member Jim McColl and Adelaide University Water Management Professor Mike Young plan to promote the move to state and federal politicians and experts across the country. "It would encourage people to reduce their sewage output by taking shorter showers,recycling washing machine water or connecting rainwater tanks to internal plumbingto reduce their charges, ''Professor Young said.

"Some people may go as far as not flushing their toilet as often because the less sewage you produce, the less sewage rate you pay.''
Of course, in this reporters opinion, this will simply lead to people crapping in a bucket and dumping it in the street, then not washing their hands. Here's the short list of afflictions caused by the ensuing deluge of raw sewage in homes and on the streets:

Campylobacteriosis, Cryptosporidiosis, Diarrhea, Encephalitis, Gastroenteritis, Giardiasis, Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis, Methaemoglobinaemia, Poliomyelitis, Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Paratyphoid Fever, Typhoid Fever, Yersiniosis

I say "short list" because these are only the one's caused by raw sewage in so-called 'developed nations' (which green liberals everywhere wish to rid the world of). Of course, all these diseases will be taken care of pronto by socialized medicine, huh?


Jimbo said...

And before someone gets their bowels in an uproar (he-he) - yes I know that here in what used to be the good old USA we are already charged for every flush via our water meter - just the way this "news" story worded their headline is enough to cause Methaemoglobinaemia.

But hey - I'm a man; the entire out-of-doors-world is my urinal.

Anonymous said...


An Amerikan state that was blessed by Mother Nature, then cursed by the neo-Marxists, parasites and peabrains who infested it in such overwhelming numbers.

Anonymous said...

Depends on how you look at it, Jimbo. You're charged for the incoming H2O at the meter, but outgoing is a separate blanket charge, if I'm not mistaken (as I'm on a well and septic tank, I haven't had to deal w/water charges in a while). Sounds to me like they're gonna be charged their usual incoming water rate, and then a per-gallon, or somesuch, charge for outgoing.More micro-green-management.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

You know what they say...."If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down." But hey, I'm also on a well and septic tank. I can flush as often as I want to. Mr. Bug can go outside if he wants! ;-)

Schteveo said...

I hate to say this kids, but MOST places are already doing this. Costs, either direct or inferred, have risen dramatically for sewers in most places where I have family.

My parents "sewer" charge" on their water bill doubled a few years ago. The reason given by the city / county was the need to cover rain run off.

What really pissed people off about this, was that it happened at the height of the drought in the southeast. There was no additional need to treat nonexistent rain!!

I don't know about Australia, but here the problem isn't lack of ability of the municipalities to treat sewage. But most cities and counties here are squandering their resources instead of building more infrastructure, including water purification and sewage treatment capabilities.

Midnight basketball and "arts for the community" should come second to basic needs and safety issues. Fresh water and sewage treatment are such needs.

Blue said...

My sewer rate is based on my water rate. They assume that every incoming gallon is also waste water......
so if you water your lawn or fill your pool you are also charged sewer fees that that water

Spider said...

"Midnight basketball and "arts for the community" should come second to basic needs and safety issues."

Good point Steve, but with the half-breed in the WH, and the commies running congress, this liberal-inspired waste will only increase. Here in NYC, where our mega-bucks, limp-wristed, socialist mayor has taxed everything except breathing, (he's working on it) you still can't find a properly paved street, or a bridge that's not ready to come down.

What you can find are some of the happiest, best-fed welfare folks in the country. You know, those 350 lb. "poor people". Then, there's about 2+ Million illegals living (just in NYC) high on the hog, or i should say, the tax payers. When you put it all together, it's called "liberalism in action"!