Wednesday, February 25, 2009

But, What If ?

This article, sent to me by a friend, touches on a subject we've discussed here before. It has to do with the question, is Yobama "legally" qualified to be president under our Constitution. The question, aside from causing some to laugh at it's "alleged absurdity", is one that is still of great concern to many others, especially since the question has never been fully answered, only mocked.

As many of us know, if Yobama was a conservative president, congress would be awash with major investigations, hearings, panels, committies, sub-committies, etc. People like Rep. Henry (pig nose) Waxman might even take time out from his obsession with GWB to look into it. But with this congress, if Yobama was holding a ChiCom passport and that little red book, they wouldn't blink an eye.

When we last talked about this issue, there were some here who, (perhaps understandably) mocked the notion of the president not actually being a US citizen. If i recall, "the idea is too preposterous" was one way it was put. The (fact) that the American people have s0-far been denied seeing official documents that would answer all these questions, is still very troubling to many. Many! Of course, if you look back in history, you would find that some of the most diabolical schemes ever perpetrated were successful because they were termed "too absurd to be possible". My only question is still what it was the last time we discussed this. What if?

What say you...


Anonymous said...

I have a rope.........

Anonymous said...

OH AND EAT ME!!!!!!!

Schteveo said...

Two things based on my understanding of the UCMJ.

First: members of the military aren't supposed to "politic", this is just that. It's designed to keep down the coups, dictatorships, etc.

Second: I'm not sure doubting his eligibility, negates the orders. That issue has not been proven yet. Besides his orders don't come directly from BOHICA, and what orders have changed since the inauguration? So as the legally sworn in President, his orders stand. If it's later proven that he's not eligible, then his orders can be countermanded by a new CinC.

This guys going to the guardhouse, the putz.

Anonymous said...

What if the Magic Negro isn't legally qualified to be president? I don't doubt that he's not. But...He is "magic"..... Which goes back to the question... What has he done beside blow a lot of hot air to earn "hero" status? I invented the piano key neck tie! What has he done? NOTHING! NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

If he was legal, hed have already produced the birth certificate. The only reason not to produce it would be because its not there.

And Schteve, you know as well as I, service men do not swear allegience to the President. They swear to "uphold and defend the Constitution." If they Constitution is being violated, they have a sworn duty to do something about it.

Schteveo said...

Brother Abu,
well, kinda, but the Constitution comes first.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

(Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)

That's the current oath. It's the one I took. (even if my grandsons think Poppy was at Valley Forge)

It says NOTHING about the eligibilty of the President or who decides that. As of right now, and I too doubt his being there, Barack Hussein Obama is the legally and duly sworn President.

Let's go the other way. Suppose the troops thought Clinton should have confessed and resigned. He was a proven liar. He fails the test of carrying out the office and obeying the law. He was even before congress for Perjury and was found guilty.

OK, we're not going to follow his orders any more!!


Nope, he wasn't legally removed and there are no gray areas for following the CinC.

Missy said...

Steve-o what you don't get is that if Obama is not eligible to be president, he is NOT currently the president. He is an imposter or a usurper but not the legit president

Anonymous said...

I hate to sound like a lawyer (or agree with Missy j/k) but I think she's right. If he's not eligeble, he's not the president.

I believe that is why the part about the constitution is BEFORE the part about the president in the oath. If the president gives an illegal or uncontitutional order, the soldiers and those in command are supposed to tell him where to stick it. Not just blindly follow orders.

Anonymous said...

: Who am I ?

I was raised in one country but my father was born in another. I was not his only child. He fathered several children with a number of women.

I became very close to my mother because my father showed little interest in me. Then my mother died at an early age from cancer. Later in life, questions arose over my real name. My birth records were sketchy and no one was able to produce a reliable birth certificate.

I grow up practicing one faith, but converted to Christianity because this was widely accepted in my country. But I practiced non-traditional beliefs and did not follow mainstream Christianity.

I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young adult before I decided it was time to get serious about my life and I embarked on a new career.

I wrote a book about my struggles growing up. It was clear to those who read my memoirs that I had difficulties accepting that my father abandoned me as a child.

I became active in local politics when I was in my 30s and then burst onto the scene as a candidate for national office when I was in my 40s. I had a virtually non-existent resume, very little work history, and no experience in leading a single organization. Yet I was a powerful speaker who managed to draw incredibly large crowds during my public appearances.

At first, my political campaign focused on my country's foreign policy. I was critical of my country in the last war. But what launched my rise to national prominence were my views on the country's economy. I had a plan on how we could do better. I knew which group was responsible for getting us into this mess.

Mine was a people's campaign. I was the surprise candidate because I emerged from outside the traditional path of politics and was able to gain widespread popular support. I offered the people the hope that together we could change our country and the world.

I spoke on behalf of the downtrodden including persecuted minorities such as Jews, but my actual views were not widely known until after I became my nation's leader. However, anyone could have easily learned what I really believed if they had simply read my writings and examined those people I associated with. But they did not.

Then I became the most powerful man in the world. And the world learned the truth.

Who am I?

Adolf Hitler

If this isn't spooky to you, then you can't be spooked!

Anonymous said...

There are so many options, and so many things causing me to question Obama's status, that I would like them answered.

1.) Rumors that he was born in kenya, backed up by the fact that his paternal grandmother says that he was, indeed, born in Kenya. Also, that no one seems to know which hospital he was born in in Hawaii.

2.) The fact that he enrolled in Indonesian schools, and that only indonesian citizens are allowed to enroll as such. Also, that Indonesia does not allow citizens to hold dual citizenship, meaning to get citizenship, his mother would have had to renounce his US citizenship (if he ever had it to begin with)

3.) The fact that he traveled to pakistan in 1982 (? on exact date) during a period of time that US citizens were not allowed to travel to Pakistan. he would have had to have done so on an indonesian passport, meaning, he was an indonesian citizen.

4.) The fact that he will not release his college transcripts and info smacks of his having applied as a foreign student to get through school. What else would he have to hide, unless he was a poor student? (which would be surprising, given his place at the Harvard Law Review. They typically don't grant that status to poor students).

Any of the above items would disqualify, and any of the above items can be had easily. I got my college transcripts last year after one ten minute phone call. My birth certificate can be retrieved from the county i was born in for a $20 fee and a 3 week wait.

Anonymous said...

There is no denying that his mother was a US Citizen. Therefore, he is a US citizen.

OBambi offered up the short form, but not the "real" birth certificate. He could get that for $10 & a 10 minute wait, or a phone call and couple week wait. I bet they would let him move to the head of the line since he is president.

So the implications -
1) There is something embarassing on the birth certificate:
- Race: Caucasion - no longer first black pres (ok 1/2 blac)
- Father: Name different than "Obama"
- Fathers work: Homeless, surfer, other...

2) By not releasing the certificate, he encouraging people to look at something simple, instead of digging for a real conspiracy.

Real Issues:
- Taxpayer money is paying to fight the lawsuits asking for the birth certificate. What happened to reducing the deficit and transparency? Hypocrit anyone.

As to the story:
- a 40 year old joins up & gets commission as a 2lt. Picture looks like a gunny.
- If story is true - he is toast.

Anonymous said...

Steve, all that you've said is true except, if it is proven that he is not legally qualified to hold the office, then any and all oders from him are void, since he lacked the legal authority to issue them. And being "duly sworn" doesn't matter if he's not legally qualified. If this is the case, needless to say, it would be catastrophic and could open the door to all kinds of crazy things happining here, like a coup, revolution, military take-over, etc.

The fact that Yobama's lawyers have blocked attempts to look into the matter doesn't help. The fact that the useless, lying crooks in congress are not even interested also doesn't help, but it's not surprising. BTW, that soldier has obviously bet the farm on this, but don't think he's alone.

But there would be an upside. It just might get the brain-dead American people to wake up.

Schteveo said...

"...he is NOT currently the president..."

And I agree it should be looked into.

But this isn't a regular citizens. This is a member of the military. As such, and certainly at his pissant level as a very junior officer, Easterling is dead wrong. There are other parts of the Constitution that are not fully afforded the military. Freedom of Speech comes to mind. And I feel that this falls partly there too.

It'll get you fired, but as a civilian, you can walk into Bill Gates office if you work for MS, and call Bill a horses ass. A lying cocksucker and a baby fucker. Some of it could be true, who knows.

You cannot come close to that in the military. You can't march into the Joint Chiefs and do that. It violates rules about respect and violates the chain of command.

BOHICA should have to prove his citizenship, I already agreed with that. But there are some things you cannot do in the military, this is one of them. He is mounting what amounts to a sit down strike for political reasons. It is an area that needs to be avoided IMHO.

The troops protesting openly because of a perceived political problem, even a problem in the Oval Office, is slippery slope that I don't even want to consider.

Let me say this, IF the Joint Chiefs, the guys who get their direct orders from the CinC had done this, I'd stand up and applaud. I'd send money for their legal funds.

This guy is grandstanding JUST LIKE the assholes who said GWB never had Congress declare a war, and they weren't going because being sent was an unlaeful order. It's the same legalistic BS.

In the Navy we called these guys "Sea Lawyers". But instead of being some dumb E-4 with a grudge, this is an even dumber O-2.

Anonymous said...

More desperata whining from the bitter sore losers.

Anonymous said...

Schteveo, this may not have been the smartest thing for this young officer to have done. And as we know, he'll probably pay a heavy price for it, but lets not forget that he's not alone in his feelings. Far from it. Theres something very wrong when the President of the US not only refuses to produce, but has lawyers block any attempts to examine these official documents, the same documents that every one of us has had to produce on many occasions.

Jimbo said...

What maj. said.

If he doesn't have anything to hide (including his college transcripts) why does he choose to hide them?

He is the first "president' to do so. Why?

He promised "transparency". LOL! He's a liar. Even a cowardly liberal name-calling dipshit has to admit; Obama is a liar. Unless of course, liberals are delusional.

No Joe (Biden) - say it ain't true!!!

Anonymous said...

The biggest outrage is not that he refuses to produce these documents, but that the American people tolerate it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he's a Kenya-born muslim who flunked out of college. He made bombs with Bill Ayers. His wife HATES America.

But you know what? HE'S THE PRESIDENT!

And there's NOTHING you can do about it!!!!


But take heart. You idiots still have Bobby Jindal! LOL

Anonymous said...

you can vote for me in 2012

Schteveo said...

Friends, I think many of you are not reading all I say. I agree with the fact that BOHICA has failed to prove his eligibility. He should do it, today, better still yesterday, best still before he took the oath as a matter of fact.

I even said that IF the military is doubtful of his being truly the President, the Joint Chiefs should go after his eligibility.

If he is not the real President because he isn't a citizen, boot him, protest every way possible, refuse to pay taxes, refuse to file your IRS forms, march in the streets as naked as Lady Godiva.

But the United States Military SHOULD NEVER join those protests.

What if half this guys platoon decided to sit down and say this? What would the military do? What if ALL the guys in Iraq decided this? What if ALL the enlisted people in all the services did this? What if every person in uniform did this?

That's a military coup.

A citizens uprising, as we've discussed, is on the horizon, how far off, I don't know. I think the military would join that. But they can't go first. Beyond this scenario, we'll have to agree to disagree. We're not changing each others minds and I doubt we will.

(where's that liberal troll....hey HLT, this is what dialogue and argument look like. Not one insult or slur uttered. and it looks like we certainly disagreed on this one. I was the odd man out, and I never called them names and they never called me names. We ended up where we started, on different sides of the idea, but amicably. Try it sometime)

Anonymous said...


At is a contact form. Posted as a "I have a non-policy question" If I hear anything, I'll share the exciting news.


Mr. President,

It is obvious that you are a natural born American. Your mother was an American citizen; therefore you are an American citizen unless you renounce your citizenship.

However, there are many lawsuits in progress to obtain your birth certificate as proof that you are/are not qualified to be the president. You are aggressively fighting these efforts in court. The results:

1. The courts are being clogged with unnecessary cases instead of pursuing more meaningful cases.

2. Money is being spent, by the plaintiffs, you, the DNC and the taxpayer to process these cases, money that could be better spent elsewhere.

As an American citizen myself, I have been required to produce my birth certificate on many occasions.

As you espouse transparency and fiscal responsibility, why do you not release your birth certificate and finally end this matter?


Anonymous said...

There is no denying that his mother was a US Citizen. Therefore, he is a US citizen.

Actually, as I understand it, you must be born on U.S. soil to be an American citizen.(Remember the hoo-rah the libs tried to creaste about McCain being born on the base in Panama?) Hence all the anchor babies the illegals pump out.
Doesn't matter if Omama was a citizen, if she bore Obama in Kenya, he's not a U.S. citizen, unless she dropped him in a closet at the embassy or something.

Anonymous said...

You people are treasonous.

Anonymous said...

Then turn us in to the FBI, dipshit.

nerd said...

Guys, this is a settled issue as far as the courts and the court of public opinion are concerned. If a judge were to rule that President Obama was indeed born in Kenya or was a citizen of Indonesia, iot would create a constitutional crisis to which the Watergate scandal would pale in comparrison. Our nation is in a much too precarious position now to be without a leader. A significant majority of the voters in the U. S. wanted a change in direction and and voted for President Obama. I did not vote for him; nor did I vote for Senator McCain. There was so little real difference in their platforms that they were nearly indistinguishable from one another. That having been said, he is and will remain the president for the next four years. If he fails, we all fail.

Anonymous said...

Hey CT,

Born in US vs born of a US Citizen

If you are born in the US, it is a no brainer. Currently this is the "anchor baby" rule.

If you are born outside of the US of a US Citizen, you must apply to the local US Embassy/Consulate for a "Consular Report of Birth Abroad." This looks like a naturalization certificate, but shows you are a citizen.

Panama Canal has a different form that does the same thing. The brou-ha-ha over McCain & panama was just the democrats being idiots.

Here is the lowdown from the state department.

Schteveo said...

I think it would be a rude awakening to many if this were to happen, for eligibility. But just like the President dying, there is a system in place. Do I want Joe "Gaffe Machine" Biden as President, no, but there is a system for replacing the President.

And unlike many conservative voters, I don't think the "fair thing" is to give the election to McCain. The voters looked to the Democrats, not just BOHICA.

I fully expect that AFTER he leaves office, the truth will come out. By then every school, street and park will be Obama Sumpni'er'other. But he'll be gone before the dust of truth settles.

nerd said...

To paraphrase F. Scott Fitzgerald, "It was not Obama, but the foul dust that floated in the wake of his dreams."

Yeah, Steve, we have a policy and a procedure for replacing the president if he dies in office or becomes incapacitated, but there would be far too many establishment oxen being gored and too many riots in the offing if President Obama were declared inelligible for the office. As for me, I cannot possibly know where and when he was born without seeing his birth certificate. I've held public office before and never have been called upon to show a birth certificate; tax returns and medical records, yes.

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with you nerd, when you say this is a settled matter. It's far from that, else we wouldn't be discussing it. Also, any action that would be taken against him would have to come from congress, starting with the House. All one need do is take a look at congress and that will tell you the outcome of any action, assuming they would even consider it.

Anonymous said...

Gee, damn the bad luck, huh? Here we finally had him against the wall, were going to blow the lid off this thing and force him to resign because he's a Kenyan muslim (or is that a muslim Kenyan?) and of course it won't happen because of the democrats in Congress. It's almost like it's a conspiracy!

You folks better hope for a cum-stained dress. You have little else.

nerd said...

Gee, damn the bad luck, huh? Here we finally had him against the wall, were going to blow the lid off this thing and force him to resign because he's a Kenyan muslim (or is that a muslim Kenyan?) and of course it won't happen because of the democrats in Congress. It's almost like it's a conspiracy!

You folks better hope for a cum-stained dress. You have little else.

Your constant, infantile, idiotic insults are becomming extremely tiresome. Please get some new material. Oh, and what have you done for the good of the country? Ever served in the military or the Peace Corps? I'd wager that you did not vote in the past presidential election and indeed are not registered to vote.