Monday, February 9, 2009

Changes @ My House

I have "known" a lot of you for a long time, and I feel that I should share my news here.

I haven't been hanging around here much lately, but I do have an excuse. Morning sickness cuts into my blog reading time. That's right, I'm pregnant. It was planned, but we're still having all the normal freak-out moments. So if I go off on a rant, or insult someone, or otherwise misbehave here, please give me a pass.


Anonymous said...

That's great news Heidi. I wish you all the very best! ;)

Schteveo said...

This is Excellent on two counts.

One, you planned and want a baby.

Two, it ain't MY wife!!

Be well Heidi.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Heidi.
I say this knowing what's coming, having two myself.

Seriously, congratulations. :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! One word of advice - don't listen to all the advice that "well-wishers" try to give you!

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Congratulations Heidi! Take it from me...Take Lamaze!

Heidi said...

Thanks girls. I've already heard that no one attracts more unsolicited advice than a pregnanat woman. Until you're a woman with a small baby.

Heidi said...

And so as not to confuse or offend, thank you to the gentlemen in the room for their well-wishing also.

Jimbo said...


Are you going to name it in honor of Obama?

Na... I guess neither 'Broke' or 'Destitute' are very good names...

Wow - the pitter-patter of little feet around the house (for the next 28 years).

Schteveo said...

LOL Jimbo,
that's so true it's not even funny.

Whenever I go long winded about raising children, here's my view(s).

Mothers will never accept that a fathers job is to teach his sons how to,

A. learn to catch their own dinosaur for dinner.

B. find THEIR OWN damn cave

beyond that, it's details and current technology.

Raising children is like a high school science project. Your never sure if the subject animals involved will live or die, but you're fairly sure that left alone, they'll eat their own young.

I used to think I'd someday quit worrying about my kids. Then one day I realized that my kids are grown, married, have kids of their own, then one day, I was over 50, and my mother called and said "...I just wanted to check and see how you are". That means there's no end in sight.

You'll stop worrying when they get to the part about the ashes to ashes and the dirt.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! No wonder Poots has headed for the hills.

Anonymous said...

Is this what it takes to get some of our ladies back? Lets see, who can we get pregnant next. Hmmm...

Schteveo said...

Oh jeezaloo, anon sounds like Snorphty.

Is anon our lost Brother Poots? Did the operation affect his brain? Am I rambling?

Heidi said...

If it is him, the operation fixed his grammer....

alan said...

Congratulations Heidi,

our baby turned 12 a few months ago. don't forget to post an ultra sound or two in the future.