Sunday, February 1, 2009

More News From The Twilight Zone

So, you've changed all the light bulbs in your house, you've gone out and paid $40-50 grand for one of those Tofu-power cars to save fuel, which should take you about 60 years to see any savings from, and you're doing all the things that the jet-setters like fat Algore tell you to do, because you want to save the planet. Of course, the one thing that the planet really needs to be saved from, are all the Leftist nitwits who are feeding you this crap.

Now we hear from one of Britain's socialist Twilight Zoner's who says you need to do more. In fact, he says what you need to do to save the planet is stop having kids! That's right. Apparently, it's your kids that are really killing this planet. This fuzzy-brained Brit, like the rest of Britain, which is fast becoming a perfect example of FUBAR, feels humans should stop reproducing! Not being a scientist myself, i guess the "logic" is, no people, no pollution? I'm sure this will make sense to some folks. Personally, i think the environment would be helped greatly if we just got rid of places like Britain!,2933,486390,00.html


Schteveo said...

The Brits aren't having as many kids, but the influxing Muslims are having 4 or 5 per wife. He seems to ignore that. He also ignores those, especially 3rd world, parents who are bound by religion and tradition to go forth and multiply.

Anonymous said...

Let the left stop reproducing. And the Mooslums too.

Anonymous said...

based on birthrate projections, Muslims will be in the majority in a lot of countries in less than 100 years.
this is part of their plan to take over the world.

& we let them immigrate......

Anonymous said...

there is already a backlash on the libs. James Taranto call's it, "The Roe Effect".

Click on my name for the original column.

Anonymous said...

"Multiplying" to a liberal is converting more people to Fagdom.

Anonymous said...

Here's another report from one of the Twilight Zone's other famous residents. The only difference being, this one is starting to be exposed.,2933,485064,00.html