Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aww, We're Sorry :(

What do you do when, as the new leader of the "free world", you get your first chance to speak to an enemy who has vowed to erase your entire nation from the gene pool? Why you apologize and tell them we're just dictators! You also make them understand that your foreign policy, (like that of peanut-brain Carter) will be based on weakness, even though, since you are connected to this enemy by blood line, you know the one thing they hate above all else, is weakness.

But, you can remind them of all the wonderful things you're doing, even though you only just started. You promise to continue welfare payments (oops, i mean foreign aid) to the entire planet. You are in the process of gutting America's intelligence agencies, ala the Clintons. You will put a very short leash on America's military. And although Americans are having their homes taken away from them, you will use their tax money to fund abortions all over the world! Nevelle Chamberlan (sp.) would be proud.

He's not just the new president, he's a glaring reminder of just how weak, mindless, and dumb the majority of Americans are. And he's just getting started! But that's just my opinion...



Anonymous said...

The largest attack on America that ocurred on Sept. 11, 2001 happened while a republican President and Congress were in power.

Keep that in mind.

Anonymous said...


Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs:
This letter was written by Charles Grennel and his comrades, veterans of the Global War On Terror. Grennel is an Army Reservist who spent two years in Iraq and was a principal in putting together the first Iraq elections in January 2005.

They wrote it to Jill Edwards, student at the University of Washington, who did not want to honor Medal of Honor winner USMC Colonel Greg Boyington. Ms. Edwards, other students and faculty do not think those who serve in the U.S. armed services are good role models.

To: Jill Edwards, Student, University of Washington

Subject: Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs

Miss Edwards, I read of your student activity regarding the proposed memorial to Colonel Greg Boyington, USMC and a Medal of Honor winner. I suspect you will receive many angry emails from conservative people like me.

You may be too young to appreciate fully the sacrifices of generations of servicemen and servicewomen on whose shoulders you and your fellow students stand. I forgive you for the untutored ways of youth and your naiveté. It may be that you are simply a sheep. There's no dishonor in being a sheep, as long as you know and accept what you are.

William J. Bennett, in a lecture to the United States Naval Academy November 24, 1997 said "Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident. We may well be in the most violent times in history, but violence is still remarkably rare. This is because most citizens are kind, decent people, not capable of hurting each other except by accident or under extreme provocation. They are sheep.

Then there are the wolves who feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.

Then there are sheepdogs and I'm a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf. If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If one has a capacity for violence and no empathy for one’s fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the unsheltered path.

Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.

We know that the sheep live in denial; that is what makes them sheep.

They do not want to believe that there is evil in the world. They can accept the fact that fires can happen, which is why they want fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, fire alarms and fire exits throughout their kid's schools. But many of them are outraged at the idea of putting an armed police officer in their kid's school. Our children are thousands of times more likely to be killed or seriously injured by school violence than fire, but the sheep's only response to the possibility of violence is denial. The idea of someone coming to kill or harm their child is just too hard. So they choose the path of denial.

The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheepdog that intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours. Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land.

They would prefer that he didn't tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports, in camouflage fatigues, holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go “Baa.” Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog.

The students, the victims, at Columbine High School were big, tough high school students, and under ordinary circumstances would not have had the time of day for a police officer. They were not bad kids; they just had nothing to say to a cop. When the school was under attack, however, and SWAT teams were clearing the rooms and hallways, the officers had to physically peel those clinging, sobbing kids off of them.

This is how the little lambs feel about their sheepdog when the wolf is at the door. Look at what happened after September 11, 2001 when the wolf pounded hard on the door. Remember how America, more than ever before, felt differently about their law enforcement officers an d military personnel? Understand that there is nothing morally superior about being a sheepdog; it is just what you choose to be.

Also understand that a sheepdog is a funny critter. He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at things that go bump in the night and yearning for a righteous battle. That is, the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle. The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser, but they move to the sound of the guns when needed, right along with the young ones.

Here is how the sheep and the sheepdog think differently. The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day.

After the attacks on September 11, 2001, most of the sheep, that is, most citizens in America said "Thank God I wasn't on one of those planes." The sheepdogs, the warriors, said "Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference." You want to be able to make a difference. There is nothing morally superior about the sheepdog, the warrior, but he does have one real advantage. Only one. And that is that he is able to survive and thrive in an environment that would destroy 98-percent of the population.

Research was conducted a few years ago with individuals convicted of violent crimes. These cons were in prison for serious, predatory crimes of violence: assaults, murders and killing law enforcement officers. The vast majority said they specifically targeted victims by body language:

Slumped walk, passive behavior and lack of awareness. They chose their victims like big cats do in Africa, when they select one out of the herd that is least able to protect itself.

Some people may be destined to be sheep and others might be genetically primed to be wolves or sheepdogs. But I believe that most people can choose which one they want to be, and I'm proud to say that mor e and more Americans are choosing to become sheepdogs.

Seven months after the attack on September 11, 2001, Todd Beamer was honored in his hometown of Cranbury, New Jersey. Todd, as you recall, was the man on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania who called on his cell phone to alert an operator from United Airlines about the hijacking. When they learned of the other three passenger planes that had been used as weapons, Todd and the other passengers confronted the terrorist hijackers. In one hour, a transformation occurred among the passengers -- athletes, business people and parents -- from sheep to sheepdogs and together they fought the wolves, ultimately saving an unknown number of lives on the ground.

Edmund Burke said "There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men." Here is the point I want to emphasize, especially to the thousands of police officers and soldiers I speak to each year. In nature the sheep, real sheep, are born as sheep. Sheepdogs are born that way, and so are wolves. They don't have a choice.

But you are not a critter. As a human being, you can be whatever you want to be. It is a conscious, moral decision. If you want to be a sheep, then you can be a sheep and that is okay, but you must understand the price you pay. When the wolf comes, you and your loved ones are going to die if there is not a sheepdog there to protect you.

If you want to be a wolf, you can be one, but the sheepdogs are going to hunt you down and you will never have rest, safety, trust or love. But if you want to be a sheepdog and walk the warrior's path, then you must make a conscious and moral decision every day to dedicate, equip and prepare yourself to thrive in that toxic, corrosive moment when the wolf comes knocking at the door.

This business of being a sheep or a sheepdog is not a “yes-no” dich otomy.

It is not an all-or-nothing, either-or choice. It is a matter of degrees, a continuum. On one end is an abject, head-in-the-sand-sheep and on the other end is the ultimate warrior. Few people exist completely on one end or the other. Most of us live somewhere in between.

Since 9-11 almost everyone in America took a step up that continuum, away from denial. The sheep took a few steps toward accepting and appreciating their warriors and the warriors started taking their job more seriously.

It’s OK to be a sheep, but do not kick the sheepdog. Indeed, the sheepdog may just run a little harder, strive to protect a little better and be fully prepared to pay an ultimate price in battle and spirit with the sheep moving from "Baa" to "Thanks.”

We do not call for gifts or freedoms beyond our lot. We just need a small pat on the head, a smile and a thank you to fill the emotional tank which is drained protecting the sheep. And, when our number is called by The Almighty, and day retreats into night, a small prayer before the heavens just may be in order to say thanks for letting you continue to be a sheep. And be grateful for the millions of American sheepdogs who permit you the freedom to express even bad ideas.

Gregory "Pappy" Boyington - Black Sheep Squadron C.O. and Corsair Pilot in WW2

Marine Corps Legacy Museum - * Colonel Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, USMC

Colonel Gregory R. "Pappy" Boyington: Medal of Honor Recipient

US People--Boyington, Gregory, Colonel, USMCR

Blue said...

My one & only recent comment to HLF - thanks dude!!!!

You have just given us your personal OK to blame everything from Jan 20th, 2009 until Jan 20th 2013 on the one and only current President of the USA - Barack Hussein Obama and both Houses of Congress lead by Pelsoi & Reid.

Anything & everything that happens is their fault...I like this.

Anonymous said...


If we are attacked on, let's say, September 11 2009, would it be Obama's fault as it was Bush's fault for 2001?

Anonymous said...

The part that they left out was that right after the speech, arabs burned an effigy of Obama outside the TV network offices. (don't know if that is true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me at all)
proving that no matter how much you apologize, promise progress, sk for reconciliation,


Schteveo said...

I guess that means the idiot truck bomber from 1993 was Clinton's fault?

What I like about this line of reasoning is where Bush's Fault, fails to intersect with Years of U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East. Although the libs wish to blame them both for our problems there. But there is never any true way to dovetail liberal thought or blame patterns so that they themselves ever take responsibility.

As for President BOHICA talking to Arab TV first, is anyone surprised? Our Democrats LOVE the foreign press. And usually it's true the other way too.

Anonymous said...

If an attack occurs on Obama's watch it will be blamed on him. However, the economic conditions were inherited. Republicans will wear that stain for a generation or more.

I know you people are hoping, praying and fantasizing about another attack. The years following the 9/11 attack were the zenith of conservatism, the fear allowing you to take more control of the country as the people cowered in fear and wanted the rest of the world nuked in retaliation.

Your ideology and party have nothing else but the hope of another attack.

Sick. Twisted. Conservative.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget 444 days of American hostages under Carter or all of WWII for that matter.

Anonymous said...

The hostages came back alive.

You people are a mess.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to brother Poots for finding and posting that.

I think the man explained the situation.

Anonymous said...

or VietNam or Korea.

The hostages came back alive all right because Iran was afraid of Reagan

Anonymous said...

All Clinton's Fault:

Kidnapping of U.S. Businessmen in the Philippines, January 17-21, 1992:
Bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17, 1992
Kidnappings of U.S. Citizens in Colombia, January 31, 1993
World Trade Center Bombing, February 26, 1993
Attempted Assassination of President Bush by Iraqi Agents, April 14, 1993
Hebron Massacre, February 25, 1994
FARC Hostage-taking, September 23, 1994
Air France Hijacking, December 24, 1994
Attack on U.S. Diplomats in Pakistan, March 8, 1995
Tokyo Subway Station Attack, March 20, 1995
Bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995
Kashmiri Hostage-taking, July 4, 1995
Jerusalem Bus Attack, August 21, 1995
Attack on U.S. Embassy in Moscow, September 13, 1995
Saudi Military Installation Attack, November 13, 1995
Egyptian Embassy Attack, November 19, 1995
Papuan Hostage Abduction, January 8, 1996
Kidnapping in Colombia, January 19, 1996
Tamil Tigers Attack, January 31, 1996
IRA Bombing, February 9, 1996
Athens Embassy Attack, February 15, 1996
ELN Kidnapping, February 16, 1996
HAMAS Bus Attack, February 26, 1996
Dizengoff Center Bombing, March 4, 1996
West Bank Attack, May 13, 1996
AID Worker Abduction, May 31, 1996
Zekharya Attack, June 9, 1996
Manchester Truck Bombing, June 15, 1996
Khobar Towers Bombing, June 25, 1996
ETA Bombing, July 20, 1996
Bombing of Archbishop of Oran, August 1, 1996
Sudanese Rebel Kidnapping, August 17, 1996
PUK Kidnapping, September 13, 1996
Assassination of South Korean Consul, October 1, 1996
Red Cross Worker Kidnappings, November 1, 1996
Paris Subway Explosion, December 3, 1996
Abduction of US. Citizen by FARC, December 11, 1996
Tupac Amaru Seizure of Diplomats, December 17, 1996
Egyptian Letter Bombs, January 2-13, 1997
Tajik Hostage Abductions, February 4-17, 1997
Venezuelan Abduction, February 14, 1997
Empire State Building Sniper Attack, February 23, 1997
ELN Kidnapping, February 24, 1997
FARC Kidnapping, March 7, 1997
Hotel Nacional Bombing, July 12, 1997
Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, September 4, 1997
OAS Abductions, October 23, 1997
Yemeni Kidnappings, October 30, 1997
Murder of U.S. Businessmen in Pakistan, November 12, 1997
Tourist Killings in Egypt, November 17, 1997
UN Observer Abductions, February 19, 1998
FARC Abduction, March 21-23, 1998
Somali Hostage-takings, April 15, 1998
IRA Bombing, Banbridge, August 1, 1998
U.S. Embassy Bombings in East Africa, August 7, 1998
IRA Bombing, Omagh, August 15, 1998
Colombian Pipeline Bombing, October 18, 1998
Armed Kidnapping in Colombia, November 15, 1998
Angolan Aircraft Downing, January 2, 1999
Ugandan Rebel Attack, February 14, 1999
Greek Embassy Seizure, February 16, 1999
FARC Kidnappings, February 25, 1999
Hutu Abductions, March 1, 1999.
ELN Hostage-taking, March 23, 1999
ELN Hostage-taking, May 30, 1999
Shell Platform Bombing, June 27, 1999
AFRC Kidnappings, August 4, 1999
Burmese Embassy Seizure, October 1, 1999
PLA Kidnapping, December 23, 1999
Indian Airlines Airbus Hijacking, December 24, 1999
Car bombing in Spain, January 27, 2000
RUF Attacks on U.N. Mission Personnel, May 1, 2000
Diplomatic Assassination in Greece, June 8, 2000
ELN Kidnapping, June 27, 2000
Kidnappings in Kyrgyzstan, August 12, 2000
Church Bombing in Tajikistan, October 1, 2000
Helicopter Hijacking, October 12, 2000
Attack on U.S.S. Cole, October 12, 2000
Manila Bombing, December 30, 2000

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why you guys respond to this nitwit. "It" obviously doesn't hear a word you're saying! (or typing) And as we all know, if something should happen on Yomama's watch, "it" and "it's" fellow leftist cretins will still find a way to blame Bush.

BTW, thanks for posting that really great letter Poots. Unfortunately, since leftists reject reality and loogic, i'll bet all those sincere and heartfelt words went right through the liberal chic's empty head.

Anonymous said...

18 years I have spent in the military. 18 years of service in countries that most people only see in National Geographic Magazine. Many of those countries in obscure locations where they have been lost in time and memory. I was on operations that took Americans out of harms way from people who always thought their way was best, and would often use violence to enforce their views.
HLF has never had to worry about wether someone was going to knock down his door and put him in a shack in the woods over what drivel he spouts, but if Uncle Sam told me to go get him I would. I detest everything that comes from his pie hole, but I will protect his right to say his peace no matter what my views are. People are constantly blaming their problems on others instead of looking into the mirror and and peering inside their soul and just letting it go.
I lived through the Clinton military, I lived through the indignities of being in the military he detested to his core, yet I followed his sometimes insane and sometime suicidal orders. Somalia, Bosnia, multiple tours to the middle east, The NEO's to mostly Muslim countries to extract hippie liberals who thought they were saving the world only to have the wolves bite the hand that feeds.
Obama thinks he can talk to these people, the only problem is that they want assimilation or death, period. You cannot talk to a society who sole purpose is to kill you. It is a pipe dream of individuals who think they know what is best for the masses. George Bush's credo was simple, those who harmed America must pay. I don't agree with Iraq, but technically we were still at war and they broke the armistice, and we freed a people to find their own way in the world.
President Obama has shown that we are going back to business as usual which brought us 9/11 in the first place. Now these animals will be given American rights, the same rights they have vowed to destroy and convert to their own twisted views.
Pappy was right, most people are sheep, and lazy. They want someone else to do what they don't want to. Example in point, most on welfare are their because they want to be, not because they are being held down.
HLF is an annoyance, you will not change him and you will not change his views and he will continue to create arguments from wence there is no reason. But those are his views and if the boss says go save him, I will.

And that is all I am going to say about HLF.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but there's nothing that says you have to rush.

Anonymous said...

Here's reality: Conservatives are being marginalized with every passing day. Your moderates have all fled to Camp Obama, the people love Obama, they're turning on you in great numbers.

As the meltdowwn heats up, watch as the people start to hate conservatives like the poison that they are.

Your day in the sun is over. Your movement is dead. You will never see conservatism make a comeback in your lifetimes.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Way to rebut the facts, HLF!

You must be a goddamn GENIOUS! WOW! What inciteful and well thought arguments! WE ARE FUCKING BREATHLESS!!!!!

WOW! With bitches like you in charge, I bet the world won't end for AT LEAST 3 more years.

Anonymous said...

I agree with my distant cousin.

Anonymous said...

Here is what your half-breed president got for his wimpy, Carter-like appearance on Mooselamb TV. As a Mooselamb, he should know that weakness only incites the towelheaded dogs.


Anonymous said...

The people in the streets protesting are your ideological cousins.

Anonymous said...

The hostages came back alive.

You people are a mess.

The hostages came back alive because Khomeini and his mob knew what was going to happen on January 20, 1981 if they did not release them.

Anonymous said...

Liberals are the wimp at the end of the bar. There is a gorgeous red-head, just down the way, working on her third vodka gimlet. Some herb-ass dude is blustering in her ear, but she's winking at you. She walks over and buys you a drink. She's waiting on you to ask for the math. But you want to talk her head off about how things like this never happen to you. About how you always spill your drink, or trip and fall trying to get off your bar-stool. It makes her want to go back and talk to the blustery herb just on GP. And she would--if the herb had any GP to speak of.