Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Karl Marx Would Be Proud of This Bunch

Guess what? Yomama Bahama's pick to be the new Global Warming Queen is an internationally known, proud-to-be, i'd rather be red than dead, full-blown, socialist! She will be the one in charge of changing our lives so that we conform to the off-the-wall dictates of fat Algore. This comrade will see to it that we all start living like the Amish.

Is it just me, or does it seem like Yomama's entire government is falling apart before it ever gets started. Hitlary's under federal investigation. His pick for AG may have to be brought to his confirmation hearings in handcuffs. But senator Harry (let 'em eat cake) Reid says it's no problem. Well, i guess if you're one of the crooked, lying Demoncrats, nothing is a problem. Now.,2933,479935,00.html


Anonymous said...

Check this out.

Anonymous said...

Damn it's lonely on this blog at 7:20 PM HST.

There are no HUMANS here.

Liberals love the Amish (except for the "God" thing). It reminds them of how they want everyone but themselves to live. If they could ONLY get 100% of the sheople in total Algorian/Obamanistic worship (rather than only 52%) they're certain they could save the earth for the pond scum - which is them. No humans left, only them. But when there's no one to feed and clothe them, they'll be extinct within 30 days - as soon as the canned food runs out.

Anonymous said...

Oh... sorry Anon - I guess you may be human.

We were typing at the same time...


Anonymous said...

Crap, Roger - why did you remove your query?

Anonymous said...

I removed my question and hlf's request that I perform fellatio on him because my question did not make sense without his reply. I deleted his reply because (1) it was juvenile and idiotic and (2) I have the authority to delete it. Like I said, I am not an authority on politics or government, but it looks to me like the ban on censorship applies to the government, not to a private web site. I have not allowed anybody to address me like that in so many years that I have lost count. I agreed to check in on this place from time to time. I never agreed to allow myself to be insulted by a trash-mouth like him.

Hey-hlf, you're done here, pal.

Missy said...

Hmm .. I the spirit of JJGR lives on

Anonymous said...

Never trust anybody named Rojer.
Maybe I'll ban his sorry ass.

Anonymous said...

We all know those cute little computer symbols called 'emoticons,' where:

:) means a smile and

:( is a frown.

Sometimes these are represented by



Well, how about some 'ASSICONS?'
Here goes:

(_!_) a regular ass

(__!__) a fat ass

(!) a tight ass

(_*_) a sore ass

{_!_} a swishy ass

(_o_) an ass that's been around

(_x_) kiss my ass

(_X_) leave my ass alone

(_zzz_) a tired ass

(_E=mc2_) a smart ass

(_$_) Money coming out of his ass

(_?_) Dumb Ass

( ) Missys Ass

Anonymous said...

(?) Rojers Ass (clueless)

Schteveo said...

They're all idiots, as are their supporters.

Anonymous said...

What's our vector Vitcor? Roger, over.


Good luck. We're all counting on you.

Anonymous said...

Goo-Boy Sadi
" Poots, None of your education is in biological sciences, though. A good portion of mine is (I started out as a biology major and ended up in engineering later on, and in fact, am only something like 9 credits from a biology major. I hold a minor in it). I also had a guy with a masters degree in Biology sitting over my shoulder as I wrote earlier today."
Goo-Boy, you haven't been listening.

I went to Med Sch till my father died (2.5 years). How do you think I got into Med Sch (Northwestern... top 10) with a BS in aerodynamics? Not hardly. I double majored in college. What majors you might ask? BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY (minor in psych). But not just garden variety Bio and Chem. it was under the 'Health Professionals' curriculum. That means that I don't know an arachnid from a golf ball but took med micro my soph year and did a cadaver dissection my senior year (unheard of at a college level). Everything was geared to med sch (of which my college has the hight acceptance rate in the country) and not lowly 'bugs and critters' bio..

I went 5 years summer and xmas breaks incl (took a series of 2 week 2 credit spectral analysis class that went 18 hours a day incl sat and sun over xmas breaks).

So, I'm not '9 credits short' of a bio maj. I'm like 35 or 40 credits over... cause that's what it takes to get into a TOP TEN med sch like Northwestern.

I started accumulating engineering masters degrees after I started at Mother B and she was picking up the tab (plus 100 shares of stock per pop).

Currently, I'm being pushed toward, and actually half way considering going for my doctorate (they're not that uncommon around here)..

o, and in that previous post.... everybody completely missed the salient scientific point. Quoting Old Man Kelvin etc. He croaked way before the first year Organic Chemistry concept of ACTIVATION ENERGY was defined and is what everyone missed with their 'million monkeys' and 'dirt in a test tube' pseudo science ranting.

So there!

Now I gotta go. I wasted too much time in my office already. I gotta go to the lab,
........... and see what's on the slab................

I see you shiver with antici...............................................................................
................................ pation
so eat me!

Anonymous said...

And I can't type fercrap cause that cervical stenosis is pushing on the nerves and my left fingers aren't working very well any more.
Get my surgery date a week from today.

Anonymous said...


Somehow, my retraction got deleted. I corrected myself after my previous post. Easy boy.


Anonymous said...

The new overseer seems to be on a deletion bender.

Schteveo said...

OK, now I'm completely fucking confused?!

I asked that potty mouth HLT be banned, Annie said leave him be, a vote was taken, I lost, Annie goes to Hiatus Port, Roger is baby sitting, HLT gets some comments deleted, [in contravention of all the first several above] now he / she is finished here?

[I guess you just have to cuss at / abuse the right people which makes me feel SOOOO much better about myself]

I repeat, now I'm completely fucking confused?!

Anonymous said...

wha? And the drugs must be working cause poot spoke in ingrish

Anonymous said...

You're assuming someone is banned because you don't see their screen name any longer.

Anonymous said...

Dun gret uzed tait Bill

Spider said...

Anybody watch the "rubber-stamp show" on C-Span? (confirmation hearings for Hitlary and our lying, new AG) The Demoncrats on the committee didn't even pretend to think about saying no to either one of these phonies. And the Republicans? ZZZZZZ! For me, it was like watching a movie where you already know the outcome. What a joke. Problem is, the joke's on us!

Anonymous said...


You did take natomy!

Anonymous said...


The confirmation hearings for cabinet members always seem to be snoozers. As long as they are not felons with outstanding warrants on the run from the law, congress usually gives the administration pretty wide permissions on who to appoint.

Let them hang themselves with their bad choices, or flourish with their good choices, I guess the thought process goes.

Anonymous said...

I intend to leave any further comments from hlf alone. I talked to our hostess on the phone last night and she admonished me not to delete any more comments from anyone regardless of how juvenile, offensive or idiotic they are. She said to let the market take care of the problem, whatever in the hell that means.

I also took down the link to my personal information because it gave my business address and phone number. The last thing I need is having somebody who has a beef with me to show up at my school. That happened six months ago and I had to tune the chap up. Problem was that I was the one that the cops wanted to arrest because of my training.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add that the only thing Annie was concerned about was that someone might damage her site.

Schteveo said...

a similar (?) thing happened to one of my buds.

He had a car for sale, advertised in the newspaper, guys came to look at it, on his farm, tried to rob him, he pulled his derringer, they split and called the cops, the deputy wanted to arrest a 64 y/o, disabled, WASP, because 3 young men of darkish persuasion felt "afraid" of him.

My partner had the deputy call his supervisor (read that as my buddies deacon) No probs.

Two weeks later, one of the young darkish fellows was shot and damned near killed in a "...mistaken home intrusion"

Yeah, and I got pin feathers!!!

maybe that nerve problem is affecting Pootskawitz's speech patterns?

(I still don't understand why he types funny because of his fingers on one hand. I always type one handed!!!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve

At least your buddy got some justice out of that deal. That makes me believe in karma. The jury is still out on my case until the D. A. decides if he is going to file charges against me for defending myself agaist a moron who came into my school looking for me. I guess I should have just shot him and said he was trying to rob me.

Spider said...

Roger, don't waste your time on that liberal fag. He/she/it isn't worth it. If everybody here simply stops responding to it, it'll go away.

Anonymous said...

"I forgot to add that the only thing Annie was concerned about was that someone might damage her site."

You're the one damaging her site by deleting posts when you were told not to.

Annie knows what she's doing. You don't.

Anonymous said...

More info on the new "climate czarina".,2933,480025,00.html

Chuck said...