Monday, January 26, 2009

...step right up...

see the mysteries of liberal gub'ment, see deep thought in action, watch the Pope's head spin around!!!
And one more of these idiot statements from Speaker Pelosi, it just might. On the George Snuffle-up-a-gus Show, on ABC, yesterday morning, Speaker Pelosi said more money for family planning would be part of the Stimulus Plan.
Because of the economic conditions, Ms. Pelosi thinks there should be fewer children? Don't look at me like that, I didn't say it!!
I wonder if she'll get a visit from a Vactican Envoy this time? Or will her Excommunication come via an announcement, from someone equally intelligent like Fr. Guido Sarducci, on Face the Nation? Or maybe on MadTv? 'cause she's mad as a hatter!!
ex-Altar Boy, Schteveo


Blue said...

fewer illegal immigrants gets the same result...
but Pelosi can't say that, she needs the illegal immigrant vote to stay in office

Blue said...

off topic:
it's only going to be in the low 60's today...
after wearing shorts & tee shirts for the last 2 weeks, I had to put on long pants yesterday.. bummer

I did put in my tomato plants last week & I am still harvesting from last years plants...

life is good

Spider said...

It's becoming more clear with each passing day that Nanny Botox sure has the bit in her teeth, meaning, she's gone power-crazy. She seems to be working on the assumtion that she'll only have the next 4 years to go nuts before somebody puts a rope around her neck and stops her. You can actually see the craziness in her eyes when she's interviewed!

This is an incredibly dangerous woman with a huge amount of power, and no one in her way to stop her. We will pay a serious price for what she's going to do in the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Yup, ya just can't trust them ChickiePos with too much power. They go insane every time.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Blue has a good point. Fewer illegal immigrants would get the same result and in a lot less time. A baby would be 9 months in the making. Kicking illegals out of the country would take..I don't know... a week?
And the bitch blames it on Bush...!
"No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy."

Blue said...

& sending the illegals home also means less illegal babies...a 2 bagger!!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy crazed power hungry crazed B-t-h!

Anonymous said...

Crazy crazed power hungry crazed B-t-h!

Snorpht FingerPoot said...

Rite Bugger,

We have enough buses that every day send... what, 15 million students to school and back? Over Easter break, if we used those and maybe a few Greyhounds to pick up the overflow, it would be EASY to ship all the illegals back to MeyHeKoe.

Then, institute my 'hunting license' plan at $100 per 'pop' at the border and we could eventually pay for a really nice double wall with enclosed hunting facility. As I said before, this will spur 'sporting goods' stores, ammo boutiques, diners, taxidermists, hotels... you name it. It could lead to economic recovery by itself!

Schteveo said...

The reason I posted this was that I was wondering if Madame Pelosi was going to be u to her ass in Catholic Doctrinal Alligators? She recently got in hot water over her faux pas about the church NOT having decided when life begins.

Espousing abortion as a cost cutting measure seems like the kind of thing that would piss off the Powers that Be(in charge of her supposed church affiliation).

If I was Pope, I'd call for her head on a platter. But I could never be Pope, I like to have Sundays free for NASCAR and football.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Do you know what happened this week back in 1850, 158 years ago?

California became a state.
The State had no electricity.
The State had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gunfights in the streets.

So basically, it was just like it is today, except the women had real boobs and the men didn't hold hands.

Schteveo said...

I don't care who you are, 'at right d'ere is funny.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Good one Lady-Bug!

Anonymous said...

Catholic Doctrinal Alligators

Which would be

a really good name

for a rock band!

Anonymous said...

Get R done!