Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sunset Wars

C-Bug and I have an on-going "battle" - O'ahu sunsets vs. Texas sunsets and we exchange pictures regularly. Alas - all of my sunsets look the same.
Above is 5 minutes ago - 6:10 pm HST. - the view sitting at this very computer - the last sunset in the good old US 0f A. I posted it just to make those of you in places "less hospitable" jealous.

To ALL of my friends and neighbors - EAT ME! :-)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunsets as shown can get tedious and wearisome day after day after day.....

You need more pollution to bring out and enhance the colors rarified air doesn't permit.

Anonymous said...

wait a few months - the sun never sets where I live

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful sunset i've seen was on Cape Cod. BTW, Yomama said he's thinking of taxing sunsets, so enjoy them now.

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Hey Jimbo...Beautiful sunset! Just 12 more days until Mr. Bug and I get to enjoy some Hawaii sunsets!

Anonymous said...

we do't need no stinking sunsets... the Light from Obama's rear will do....

Schteveo said...

The best sunrises and sunsets are along the equator at sea.

Jimbo said...

Schteveo said...
The best sunrises and sunsets are along the equator at sea.

January 18, 2009 1:01 PM

Schteveo dear buddy - beauty is relative depending on where your heart is at the very second of OMG'ness. I once saw a sunset/sunrise at the same time - with the northern lights thrown in. That was kinda-sorta awesome.

But I have to admit - I've never seen any of the above from the equator. I've never been on it or below it. Must be kind of cool - looking in the night-sky and seeing all different constellations. Do you get disoriented?

Anonymous said...

You just haven't lived till you've seen the setting sun illuminate the contrail of the space shuttle.