Wednesday, January 21, 2009

what the ???

so if the IRS catches me cheating on my taxes, I can just say I'm sorry & get off scott free??

click my apology

or is the apology defense reserved only for Obama's Minions?


Anonymous said...

There's a lot of rich people who use expensive lawyers to reduce their tax bills significantly, much more than a simple 34K.

Bitch bitch bitch. That's all you brainstems do. You'll get real good at it too, seeing as how your ideology will be out of power for a generation or maybe forever.

I also love how scintillating all your supposed wealth is when all you have to do is whine about Obama 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't load the article for some reason. Did it say he got off scott free?

I am not totally familiar with the subject at hand, but I was under the impression that he paid the back taxes and penalties as soon as they nicked him, and he is now square with the house again. Has he not done so?

Granted, there is usually some jail time inthe most aggregious offenses, but was his tax-evasion on a level that would ahve required jail time for somebody "less affiliated?"

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

Goober, He paid 2 years when he got audited. Then, he went back and paid the previous 2 years to that when Obama gave him the nod for head of the Treasury. In the very least, he's dishonest. And no, Blue, you can't say your sorry! 20 lashes with a wet noodle, plus the taxes you owe, penalties and interest.

Anonymous said...

So its bad when republicans do it but OK for dems?

And speaking of Obama...
I didn't get my check today. WTF?

Anonymous said...

take a look at the Dow on the day Obama was sworn in

Anonymous said...

Hell, I have a crew of maids that comes in twice a month to clean the house for my wife. None of the crew speaks English. I speak just enough Spanish to make myself understood to the lady who is the ramrod of the group. Are these hard working folks illegal? Who knows and who cares? It's a contract labor arrangement and I don't intend to do ICE's job for them. But, I'll bet that if I was a politician I damn well care. And, I'd make damn sure I was paying their accrued FICA and FIT.

Geithner is a good choice for Treasury. Just look at the Dow on the day Obama announced his nomination.

Anonymous said...

what possible connection is there between the doW on the day Obama beat Hillary & his choice for Sec of Treasury?????????

and repeating myself ....take a look at the Dow on the day Obama was sworn in

Anonymous said...

So? My point was not how the market liked Obama, but how it liked his choice for Sec. of the Treasury. Either the market went up on the news or it went down. It was significantly up because Geithner is percieved as being a good choice to undo the current mess. On the other hand, he was part of Paulson's bungled attempts to fix the situation by handing out billions with not a shred of accountability.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone seriously think this leftist congress will not give Yomama the people he wants? The Republicans are in no position to block or stop anyone, or anything. I wouldn't be surprised to hear they have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom! The theatrics are just that, a show for the dumb voters.

Anonymous said...

If a three hundred point drop in the DOW indicates the market's displeasure with Obama, what does the 6 THOUSAND POINT DROP under bush say?

It's almost like a parallel universe in your minds. You actually believe that bush and the republicans did a good job. Like praising slow children.

Anonymous said...

Nuestro amigo liberal aparece ser un egocéntrico, megalomanic, pedazo del uno-trampear-potro de excremento del perro. ¡Con excepción de ése, él es apenas grande!

Anonymous said...

Ole' !!!!!!!!