Joe Biden compared the current economic woes to 9/11. His simple statement, "We're at WAR".
(emphasis mine)
I find this rather odd, as the Dems and Biden himself have repeatedly said we're not "at war" over 9/11. These jerks drive me nuts.
Too bad there aren't any good conservative late nite comedians. They would be having a good next coupla years worth of material.
The dude is a goof, a whack job, a loon, dufuss and has Turds-4-Brains.
"Turds".... I love that word.
(not turds)
Police: Angry Ohio boy, 4, shoots baby sitter
Jan 6 01:22 AM US/Eastern
JACKSON, Ohio (AP) - Police say an angry 4-year-old Ohio boy grabbed a gun from a closet and shot his baby sitter.
Eighteen-year-old Nathan Beavers was hospitalized Sunday with minor wounds to his arm and side after the shotgun attack. Police say another teen was also injured.
Witnesses told police the child was angry because Beavers accidentally stepped on his foot. Beavers was watching the child at a mobile home in Jackson with several other teenagers and several other children.
Mr FingerTurd,
Please do not make fun of my name.
Your truly,
Turd Ferguson
Apparently, that old adage that says, stepping on someone's toes can get you in trouble, is true!
I saw the news item Snorphty posted in yesterday's LV Review Journal. The two operative words in the item were mobile home.
why did NBC ban me?
From a famous book, "...driven by a hundred forms of fear, we stepped on the toes of our fellows and they retailated.
"Too bad there aren't any good conservative late nite comedians."
Don't need any. Just turn on the news and let the liberal politicians, et. al., spew forth!
This kind of hyperbole is nothing new. Remember when James Earl Carter went on TV waaaaayyyy back in April of ninteen and seventy-seven and said that the energy crisis of that time was "the moral equivalent of war?"
what energy crisis???
click my cheap gas
gas, adjusted for inflation is now cheaper than when Bush took office!!!
Gas in South Texas is down to $1.45 - that the cheapest it's been since the early 1970's.
I'm certain Nobama's 'people' are trying to spin it so Nobama gets credit.
Let us not get short sighted on the whole energy issue. A recession will always drive down the price of energy, because there will be less demand for such as jobs are lost, factories are shut down, cars sit idle, etc.
We have a problem. A BIG one. That we have cheap gasoline now is no indicator of the fact that I can practically gurantee you that we will be paying over 3 bucks a gallon again in very short order.
Alternative forms of energy need to be found, but we must be cautious to not invest everything into the wrong kind of energy (ie, ethanol subsidies a few years back causing big problems).
Right now, I think our big options include:
Nookyular for electricity
Natural gas for automotive fuel coupled with coal to liquids synfuel for our diesel rigs (we have the biggest coal reserves anywhere ont he planet...)
with a few other things, like solar and wind to help out whenever they can.
However, being as these are our best choices and the only options we have to really, truly cure our dependence on foreign oil, the dicks in Washington will hear nothing of it (including Bush and his oil-loving cronies, and Pelosi et al with their fear of global warming). The current excuse du jour is global warming, because all of the above, with the exception of nuke (which has its own reasons for being shunned) emit CO2.
We are truly risking our energy futures for fear of the rampaging field mouse of anthropogenic global warming.
As far as coal to liquids, I love how they are pushing this as some new, interesting technology. The Germans supplied their entire armed forces with synfuel from CTL technology during WWII. Rudolph Diesel designed his engine to run off of peanut oil, but had coal to liquid fuels in mind, also, when he designed it. This isn't new. My guess is that within 10 years, we could be supplying all of our automotive transportation needs via NG and CTL synfuels, if we would just get off our duffs and do it. THis isn't even a painful learning curve. We already know how to do it, and the stocks are there!
Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited (loaded)
5.7 L Hemi V8 - - - 12 MPG (on a good day).
Eat my Hemi.
Snorpht GreenPoot said...
I see you are really proud of your large carbon foot print!
"Eat my Hemi."
Your Hemi will run just fine on CNG with minor modifications.
We are looking to run out of easily-attainable oil in the near future. We have natural gas and coal coming out of our asses. Instead of fighting wars to get oil, why not use our natural gas and coal reserves to power your Hemi instead of some Arabian Sheik's bloody oil, or Hugo Chavez's commie oil?
American jobs, american energy, and everyone else can kiss our ass? The law of diminsihing returns is in effect on oil. We spent more money securing the Persian Gulf that we've gotten from it in oil. How is that for good economy, when we can make $1.50 a gallon synfuel RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW in the united states of america?
The problems with solar and wind genertation of electricity are:
1. We will need to build new transmission lines from the generation facilities to the large cities on the East and West coasts where most of the electricity will be used. With the environmental impact statements that will be required along with the NIMBY attitude of most property owners and the screeching and litigation of environmental groups will make this very nearly impossible.
2. Some truly nutty engvironmental groups will attempt to get the wind turbine farms shut down because they kill a certain number of birds each year. This has already been going on in Southern and centeral California for a few years.
The positive results of looking at Obama's campaign contributors is finding Exelon Corp., the largest nuclear power plant operator in the US.
I don't know about you guys, but here in NYC, gas is slowly and quietly creeping back up. How long did you think they'd let us get away with paying under $2. a gallon after they realized we were willing to pay $4.50?
Annie, please tell me that those are not the only two problems you can come up with for solar and wind!
How about:
When you need the electricty most, the wind ain't blowing, which means you need something else (coal, nuclear, etc) as a backup. With heat-up and cool-down times of these plants, you pretty much have to keep them fired up all the time if you want them to be ready when the wind stops blowing, so you save exactly NOTHING.
Solar, on the other hand, is a technology that could not feed our electricity needs even if the entire state of arizona were to be covered in solar panels, and even then when we NEED the electricty (night time, mainly) there is no sun!
Those, to me, are the REAL problems with solar and wind.
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