Thursday, January 1, 2009

Third Hand Smoke? WTF!

Hey, the first post of the new year! What do i win?

Here it is, New Year's day morning. In days past, i'd still be out drinking somewhere, then spend the rest of the day trying to find my car, or throwing-up on some icy-cold NYC street corner promising God that i'd never drink again if only He allowed me to survive just once more. But i've seen the light and don't live that way any more. Well, not to that extent anyway.

Let's start off the new year with another story about how the Leftist control freaks, (the food-Nazi's, tobacco-Nazi's, language-Nazi's, thought-Nazi's, ) will do and say anything to tell us how to live our lives, often using "science" to lend credibility to their lies. Do they really care about how we live? Of course not. What they care about is control, and the ability to tell others how to live via laws and regulations, and using fear and hysteria to accomplish it. With the govt. in the hands of these cretins, i'm afraid it's something we'll need to get used to.,2933,474451,00.html


Anonymous said...

"The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to." – P. J. O'Rourke

Annie said...

I have not smoked since 1970, but the government campaign against a legal product is but a form of legalized extortion. The voters of State of Nevada approved a ballot initiative in 2006 that outlawed smoking in bars that served food. Restaurants in casinos were exempt from the law. Guess who was responsible for funding the campaign for passage of the initiative? The, no, not the rifle association, but the Nevada Resort Assn., the lobbying organization of the casino industry.

Missy said...

So I guess formula will be outlawed soon or given a higher tax? Maybe there should be a carbon tax on formula to repay the environment devastation brought up by another CO2 machine forced upon the world.

Spider said...

That's an interesting point darlin. By pushing that law, the casino's are in a way, eliminating their competition, since they know most gamblers prefer to smoke while playing. No matter how many times you look at these situations, and regardless what the social engineers tell us, it always comes down to generating revenue for someone, not health!

Anonymous said...

Here's a case where they can't claim it's "for the children"