Thursday, January 1, 2009

Commande-in-Chief Elect Obama

troops don't trust obama

6 out of 10 say they are wary of the Commander-in-Chief elect

what say you?

I hang out at the local legion & here it is more like 9 out of 10 are scared of the guy


Anonymous said...

The volunteer army attracts authoritarian assholes for the most part. And all authoritarian assholes are republicans. Or is it that all republicans are authoritarian assholes?

Either way, what you're relishing is not only wrong, it is anti-American. But most of you conservatives would support anti-democratic coup attempts to stay in power. You're generally a dangerous bunch of people who use the buzzwords of democracy- freedom, liberty, equality- but don't support the concepts they represent.

I'm actually surprised it's only 6 out of 10. But if what you say is true, it makes me feel better about not supportiong what the murderous troops have done in name of the US.

Annie said...

The volunteer army attracts authoritarian assholes for the most part.

In what branch of the US military did you gain your superior knowledge of the mindset of our troops and how long did you serve?

And all authoritarian assholes are republicans. Or is it that all republicans are authoritarian assholes?

Oh, that's very mature. Please attempt to elevate your comments above the level of playground taunts of, I know what you are, but what am I," and go take your Midol.

But most of you conservatives would support anti-democratic coup attempts to stay in power. You're generally a dangerous bunch of people who use the buzzwords of democracy- freedom, liberty, equality- but don't support the concepts they represent.

That statement is so patently idiotic that I hardly know where to begin. No one here has advocated a coup attempt against the President Elect. In fact, there have been no other comments on this post excepting your drivel. Most of the men who post here have served honorably in the armed forces and others have spent the majority of their lives enforcing the laws of our country.

I did not support the invasion of Iraq before it occurred and do not support the continuing occupation of the country now. In fact, I believed the decision to invade a country that posed no threat to be the US to be possibly the worst foreign policy blunder in American history. makes me feel better about not supportiong what the murderous troops have done in name of the US.

Like it or not, when the president orders an invasion, those "murderous troops" go where they are ordered to go. Your lack of support for our military forces does not surprise me in the least.If you do not understand the difference between supporting American forces serving overseas at the behest of their commander in chief and opposing the foreign policy decisions that put them there, I fear that we have no common ground for further intelligent debate.

Anonymous said...


You should be hanged for treason.

Anonymous said...


A period of American history during which rugged individualism, capitalism and a properly Constitutional, non-intrusive government were scuttled by mind-numbed asshats seeking slave of the Nanny State status under a Marxist Messiah..

Anonymous said...

Annie, when are you going to catch on?

Annie said...

Annie, when are you going to catch on?

I never claimed to be a genius, but I never thought I was an idiot, either. Am I being had?

Anonymous said...

Annie, it's no secret that conservatism and authoritarianism go hand in hand. Or should I say handcuff.

This "the troops don't respect Obama" has been making the rounds of the conservative blogs. There's a gleeful attitude that goes with it. It's purpose is to drive wedges and instill a lack of confidence in leadership. It is something that sounds like what you'd hear in a South American banana republic of the 1970s.

Do you believe that kind of talk is productive or destructive? I believe it is very destructive and dangerous. Don't kid yourself. There's plenty of ex-military and other law-n-order types who celebrate disrespect for a democratic leader just as they did to Clinton. Or perhaps you want to live through the 90s again?

My lack of support for the troops is not the same as wishing them harm. I do not support what they are doing. That is my right just as it was yours to not support the invasion. Sorry that I won't jump on the bandwagon of mindless support just because they were sent there. Plenty have come back opposing what we've done. Are they bad people too?

You say they had no choice but to go, insinuating that they lack free will and do as they are told. If that's true, why are they allowed to show open disdain for the President? Probably because their commanders tolerate it. That's dangerous.

If my viewpoints are what you consider "being had" I don't know what else to say. I speak the truth as I see it. Unquestioningly waving a flag is not patriotic, it's ignorance.

To the person that said I was treasonous:

Alluding to and celebrating a lack of confidence and distrustiing attitude in the Armed Forces for the President is the real treasonous attitude.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

"I never claimed to be a genius, but I never thought I was an idiot, either. Am I being had?"

Only a fool argues with a fool.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in censoring or barring idiots such as HLF, but I will now consider him / her:

Persona Non Grata

Anonymous said...

"Only a fool argues with a fool."

So...If I argue with a fool and then you argue with me, what does that make you?

"Grammie" or whatever name he wants to call me!! said...

To repeat Annie's question,
In what branch of the US military did you gain your superior knowledge of the mindset of our troops and how long did you serve?

Anonymous said...

I worked at a police department for years. We employed many ex-military people. They're drawn to law enforcement for the same reason they're drawn to the military. A deep-seated authoritarian streak.

You don't have to be a chicken to recognize an egg.

Let me ask you: Do you believe the mindset of the military is largely liberal? What branch of the service were you in?

Anonymous said...

srk, you can do whatever you want. If opposing viewpoints are that difficult for you to take or counter, too bad.

Get your IQ re-checked.

Anonymous said...

HLF said...
I worked at a police department for years.

Yes, because of diversity, most police departments are now required to hire gays.

Spider said...

"I don't believe in censoring or barring idiots such as HLF, but I will now consider him / her:
Persona Non Grata

Good idea Bill. Sooner or later, he/she/it will slither away since it obviously thrives on attention.

Anonymous said...

No refuting my arguments yet, just empty insults. The gay one is particularly original. For a brainstem.


Annie said...

Do you believe that kind of talk is productive or destructive? I believe it is very destructive and dangerous. Don't kid yourself. There's plenty of ex-military and other law-n-order types who celebrate disrespect for a democratic leader just as they did to Clinton. Or perhaps you want to live through the 90s again?

Thank you, HLF for answering me with a respectful comment. I realize that there are people out across the fruited plain who would gladly take up arms against an Obama administration; however I cannot speak for them. I take total responsibility for what I say, what I write and the actions I take. I absolutely refuse to take responsibility for what others say, write and do. I respect military service because every male member of my family served in World War II.

That having been said, I opposed the policies of Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon that kept us in a no-win war in Vietnam. In fact, while I was in grad school at NYU, I signed a petition in favor of the Cooper-Church Amendment that would have cut off funding for the war. I opposed Panama, Grenada, Bosnia, Somalia and as I have previouisly stated, the invasion of Iraq. I opposed these invasions because I believe that our military is to be used for national defense rather than misbegotten witch hunts for regime change under the guise of spreading democracy to Islamic theocracies that would not recognize democracy were it to kiss them on the cheek. At the same time, I supported the troops that were sent to these places via executive orders, UN fiat and the War Powers Act. When one enters the military, he gives up the majority of his free will to choose when, where and in what capacity he will serve. And, yes indeed, he has the moral obligation not to obey an illegal order, such as probably existed in the case of the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib. I wish I had time to discuss that further, but I must go meet a friend for coffee. I shall continue later today.

Anonymous said...

"such as probably existed in the case of the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib"

Humiliation vs decapitation? I have yet to see what is considered abuse. But I suppose our enemies would say if we gave them champagne it would be abuse too. I think the Code of Hammurabi should be adopted as an evenhanded way of approaching these problems. But that is a capitulating compromise in itself.

Annie said...

I have finally realized that I have been attempting to speak for all conservatives in response to HLF's comments. This is not only presumptious on my part but is truly a fool's errand because I have allowed myself to be placed in the position of defending the so-called conservative domestic economic policies and foreign policy decisions of the Bush administration with which I have disagreed for the last eight years. I have stated many times that my primary problem with the Republican Party is their abandonment of their traditional ethos of sound monetary and fiscal policy in favor of unprescedented levels of deficit spending and an out of control national debt.

I shall no longer attempt to speak for anyone else; nor shall I allow myself to be placed in the position of defending policies with which I disagree. The Libertarian Party platform of Ron Paul comes the closest to my ideal of what is best, not only for Annie, but for our nation.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I never felt that you were trying to speak for anyone but yourself. And you know I don't fall in lockstep with anyone. If anything, you probably wanted to reach out to someone who you thought might have a working synapse.

I dated a young lady for a while who was extremely pretty, sweet, well educated, logical and totally daft.

I always thought I could reach her. But eventually I felt the best thing to do was to sever the relationship. As cruels as that might have been, it would have been worse to continue in that vain, unable to do any good. And it would have been self-destructive on my part, as it had been during our time together.

I think that may be a common character flaw. But I still would not leave it up to the gov't to tell me who I should try to help. And it is not up to us here to feel we fail when it is something beyond our control.

No. Not controlling society, but controlling our inherent humanity and logic where it can not always be applied.

It's like being in...."The Twilight Zone"

My admiration for you does not come from just your accomplishments and failures, but from your continuing endurance and determination to make a difference.

Not reaching someone is not failure; there are things where even logic can't reach.

Anonymous said...


Did you try and talk logic to her through the inflation valve?


Annie said...

Why, thamk you Bill!

That was very sweet. I am overcome by your eloquence.

Anonymous said...

Annie, you are starting to make liberal sounds. Beware.

Annie said...

Annie, you are starting to make liberal sounds. Beware.

Oh, No!

I'm just stating my political beliefs. I suppose the lunatic fringe Libertarian Party is where I belong

Annie said...

Humiliation vs decapitation? I have yet to see what is considered abuse.

If I were piled, naked in a welter of other naked bodies, tied in "stress positions," shocked on my genitals, deprived of sleep for days on end, bitten by guard dogs and kept shackled and in solitary confinement for months I would consider that abuse.

My point is that if we descend to the level of our enemies in the treatment of prisoners then we become no better than they.

alan said...

Maybe HLF does have a point, those drawn to law enforcement and military service DO have a penchant for authoriatanism.

Yes, we do believe that somebody has to be in charge and that somebody has to enforce the norms of our society. The alternate is anarchy.

Personally, I don't give a witch's patooty about forcing my beliefs, standards, and personal code of conduct down anyone's throat. On the other hand I do believe that when a "Norm" is established for society, it should be enforced. Anyone that does not wish to abide by it should be removed from that society, or through a lawfully established means...change the norm.

We in this country enjoy more freedom than any other country. Now with that being said, it can be argued that in other places they have more of a particular freedom....but it always comes at a cost somewhere universal free health care for everyone only costs those who work 54% of their income.....yeah, if I was a slouch it would be great. If I worked, it would be a big untreatable thorn in my craw.

on topic: in my office it is 100% "I wish Obama wasn't going to be Pres." I think it was also 100% I wish McCain wasn't the Republican candidate also.

That being said, there is one guy in my office who has been invited to compete to work at the White House next year....I think he is going to take it, not to work for the Obamessiah, but for the experience of working at that level of government.

BTW...Happy New Year to all