Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lest We Forget

While we're kept busy watching our hard-earned money being given away to the incompetent crooks on Wall St. and in Detroit, by other incompetent, lying crooks in DC, it's easy to forget that there are real Americans in harms way, risking their lives every minute of every day, so that the lying crooks and whining liberal pukes back home can remain free. Personally, i wouldn't go across the street and fight a hairdresser to save that bunch! Of course, the liars, crooks, and whiners would never admit it, but they owe everything they have to our brave warriors. The liberal whiners think freedom is free because it doesn't cost them anything. But that's only because it's being paid for by the brave people who fight and die for it! Remember them, for they have earned our respect, admiration, and a whole lot more...,2933,466404,00.html


Anonymous said...

Here, here!

Jimbo said...

Spidy - this was a good thread/thought - and I agree whole heartedly.

Our nation is filled with young men and women who know the values instilled in them by the moral traditions of their parents and our nation's founders. These men and women ignore the bully pulpit currently held by cowardly liberals and do what is right - not just for us (US) but the downtrodden worldwide.

Liberals are aghast that they didn’t get to young heroes soon enough through public education and Hollywood propaganda to stop the humanitarian efforts American is known for.

Liberal cowards insist we have no right to interfere with the sovereignty of others. Those same liberal apologists would close down a suicide hotline: After all, what right do we have to interfere in the wish of a psychotic to commit suicide? Same difference.

God Bless America - God Bless our armed forces.

Spider said...

Thanks Jimbo. Since Yomama the half-breed is stealing all the headlines lately, i felt these warriors deserved our admiration and attention, especially since positive stories about them are so rare.

alan said...

I'm eagerly awaiting the thread that points out that the mission was self serving and an attempt for them to promote their own agenda.

Never mind that these men went there with the desire to provide some semblance of freedom and stability in the region.

Too many people neglect to think that less than 1% of the population of the world in the last 6,000 years has experienced freedom that we have. And from within there are so many people that want us to give it away. They don't realize that only 300 million people on the earth have as much freedom as we enjoy here in the US of A. NOBODY else on this warming earth have the freedoms that we have, and no other nation has paid so dearly for it.