Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rick Warren on Muslims and gays

Rick Warren is holding hands with mooselambs and sucking up to gays.
Why should we be surprised by the president elect's pick to "pray" in the Obamamessiah?

"During the course of the entire inaugural festivities, there are going to be a wide range of viewpoints that are presented. And that's how it should be, because that's what America's about. That's part of the magic of this country ... we are diverse and noisy and opinionated," Obama said.


Anonymous said...

Barney Feank is gay?
who knew?

Schteveo said...

BOHICA is burning bridges quicker than his new WPA will be able to rebuild them.

Rick Warren is being portrayed as being wishy-washy on his core beliefs. That way it doesn't look bad for BOHICA to have him around.

The concept of Christians being accepting of people with whom they disagree on politics, sexual orientation, etc, absolutely evades Liberals. They can't fathom the concept of "Hate the Sin, but Love the Sinner.

Spider said...

Or, did the Obamunists pick Warren because they knew he could be "flexible" in his beliefs?

Anonymous said...

Yes spider, good catch.

If Obama is able to use his messianic persuasion to get Warren behind (no pun intended!) the idea of legalized gay marriage, we'll be hitching up fudgepackers from coast to coast in no time.

I believe there is some merit to this theory.

Anonymous said...

"A woman is like beer. They look good; they smell good, and you’d step over your own mother just to get one." – Homer Simpson

Anonymous said...

Seems like HLF is kissing up to you, spyda

Spider said...

LOL! Tell him how much good it'll do him Bill. Ok, ok, i hear ya. I'll show more compassion to the liberal. I'll use my brand new rope on him/her/it. See, i can be a softie too.

Anonymous said...

Someone wants to tie me up!


Anonymous said...

How can you be a liberal and still have a sense of humor? There may be hope yet! But it will take some doing.

Anonymous said...

To prove what a good sense of humor I have, here's a joke.

A young man is hitchhiking on a lonely country road. A car stops to pick him up. The driver says, "Before you get in, are you a democrat or a republican?". "Democrat!", the boy says proudly.

The car speeds off.

A little while later another car stops. Again the driver asks the boy what party he belongs to. "Democrat!", the boy says again.

And again the car speeds off.

Another car stops, this one a sports car driven by a beautiful blonde. Like the others she asks the boy, "Are you a democrat or a republican?" After thinking the boy says, "Republican!"

"Get in", she says and he does.

They're driving along and he notices her looking at him once in a while, checking out his crotch. He looks at her and she licks her lips and smiles. The next time he looks over she's hitching up her skirt. Then she reaches over and puts her hand on his thigh.

At this the boy said, "Ma'am, you better stop the car and let me out. I've only been a republican for a few minutes and I already feel like screwing somebody!"

That one dates back to the Roosevelt administration.

Anonymous said...

in one form or another

Anonymous said...

Actually, I am quite pleased with PE Obama's statement.

Basically, instead of wheelin' and deelin' his way into a convoluted explanation on why he chose Warren, but that he didn't inhale, he basically said, "I chose him, you have a right to dislike that, and good for you for saying something and having an opinion, but it isn't changing my decision."

That was a refreshing bit of honesty coming from the political world.