Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The New Nazi's

The college of social work? A professor of social work? WTF! Does it now take a PhD to show people how to sign-up for welfare?

People don't normally equate the tactics used by Hitlers Nazi Party with those used by today's Leftists, but they may be wrong. When it comes to forcing people to adhere to their beliefs, they're both the same. They both have a history of smothering opposing points of view. You either believe what they say, or you're not allowed to believe. Nazi's were infamous for "eliminating" people that held different opinions, which is exactly what leftists do today! You see, Nazi's knew, as do Leftists, that to allow differing points of view would only serve to undermine and expose their propaganda. And without lies, they're nothing!



Anonymous said...

I dislike comparisons to Nazis. It minimizes the horrors that they perpetrated upon the entire world when you say that a person that doesn't give a guy a good grade because he has a different ideology is as bad as the Nazis. The Nazis were directly responisble for the deaths of 20 million people, approximately 10 million of which were out-and-out murder; non-combatants rounded up for extermination.

As far as the story in the Op goes, it seems pretty open and shut to me. The professor straight up admitted to it.

Schteveo said...

I'm falling on the other side of the Nazi issue.

I think the comparison holds.

The Nazis didn't start off killing people. But they did advocate shouting down their opponents, locking up their opponents, and in general intimidating their opponents into backing down and remaining silent.

They also picked a section of society to demonize and use as their "cause" of all the worlds problems. The Nazis had the Jews, American Liberals have the Christian, Right Wing, self sufficient, home schooling group.

How often have we heard that some liberal professor or enviro-NAZI has called for imprisoning or killing people who disagree with their beliefs?

The statement doesn't tear down the image of Nazis for me, it points out just how crazy dangerous these SOBs are.

As to the problem of liberal indoctrination in our colleges, if mommy and daddy left their kids with so little life teaching that they get indoctrinated in classes, they are even more to blame than any Professor Goofington.

Anonymous said...

some of the tactics are the same but I wouldn't equate the two

Anonymous said...

Cap'm all. Letcher Gawd sort'm out

Anonymous said...

Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field

LOS ANGELES – Recent satellite observations have revealed the largest breach yet seen in the magnetic field that protects Earth from most of the sun's violent blasts, researchers reported Tuesday. The discovery was made last summer by Themis, a fleet of five small NASA satellites.

Scientists have long known that the Earth's magnetic field, which guards against severe space weather, is similar to a drafty old house that sometimes lets in violent eruptions of charged particles from the sun. Such a breach can cause brilliant auroras or disrupt satellite and ground communications.



Spider said...

Goob, i dislike Leftists forcing their twisted political will on everyone. And you know as well as i do that we're not merely talking about poor grades, but officials using their positions to punish people for their political beliefs.

My post doesn't minimize anything. And it's not about the people, but the tactics they use to accomplish their goals, which are on many levels, the same. And because 1 Leftist professor is forced to admit her actions, doesn't solve or even address this very real and ongoing problem. It's a problem that can only be dealt with when the bright lights of public scrutiny are focused on it.

And while we're talking about minimizing, why isn't old Joe Stalin's name ever mentioned when the subject of Nazi horrors is discussed? He killed "far more" people than Hitler did.

Anonymous said...


KKK- cross burnings, lynchings


Eric Rudolph

Abortion clinic bombers

abortion doctor assasinators

gay bar bombers

gay bashers

anthrax mailers

Obama threateners

Anonymous said...

give it up faggot

Anonymous said...


Anarchist terrorists


Radical gay rioters

Pro-communist academia

Fraudulent elections

Routinely distorting the news

Marxist dupes

Fear mongerers




Anonymous said...

Pretty weak and vague, anonymous brainstem.

Anonymous said...


A depressingly popular fixture in American culture wherein left-wing losers search frantically for someone, anyone to blame for all his, her, hisher or its dumbass antics.

Anonymous said...

There's not enough bandwidth to list them all, comrade.

Anonymous said...

The KKK was founded by democrats, for democrats.

Liberals keep trying to change that history.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Germans (Germany is Socialist, right? Socialist = Liberal, right?).
Berlin's Poor Should Catch Rats, Says Politician

A Berlin politician has come under fire for suggesting that poor people should be encouraged to catch rats by offering them €1 per dead rodent. The intriguing idea entails some gnawing practical problems and has been called "inhuman and cynical".

A job opportunity for Berlin's poor?

A job opportunity for Berlin's poor?
Picture the scene -- hundreds of poor people armed with clubs chasing rats through the streets of Berlin.

There's something Dickensian about the notion, but it has been proposed by a Berlin politician who is now being criticized for suggesting that the city's poor should be enlisted to tackle the growing rat infestation in the center of the German capital.

"Especially people who usually collect bottles could get one euro for every dead rat," Henner Schmidt, head of the business-friendly Free Democrat party in the Mitte district of Berlin, told Berliner Kurier newspaper this week.

Hey B. Huessen O. R U LISTENING?

Blue said...

a buck a rat?

what a deal

whats to stop the bottle people from starting a rat farm in the basement & getting rich?

Anonymous said...

Wise Old Jewish Man:

A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time.

So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and there he was, walking slowly up to the holy site.

She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, using a cane and moving very s lowly, she approached him for an interview.

"Pardon me, sir, I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. What's your name?"

"Morris Fishbien," he replied.

"Sir, how long have you been coming to the Western Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years."

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims. I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop. I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults, and to love their fellow man."

"How do you feel after doing this for 60 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a fuckin' wall."

Schteveo said...

that's some funny stuff!!

Anonymous said...

It's an oldie. In this case I think it's appropriate when deal with such people as our liberal guests.

Anonymous said...


Are you hanging out with the boys this Christmas or just going homo for the holidays

Goober said...


I'm sorry, but even a rudimentray grasp on history will enlighten you to the true roots of the KKK, and it sure as hell wasn't the conservative movement or republicans.

It was, brace yourself, your beloved democratic party that was the key influence in it's creation and sustinence through the years.

Ever heard fo the term "southern democrat?"

It was a euphamism for "KKK member".

Anonymous said...

What the F**K is werong with the KKK?

Anonymous said...

The KKK was a conservative organization despite what party labels they adopted. You will notice of course that the racist south and adherents to KKK are now firmly in the republican camp.

After the last republican-caused Depression, you couldn't get elected in the south unless you called yourself a dem. Also why George Wallace, racist extrordinaire ran as a third party candidate in 68.

Republicans are bottom-feeders, gladly accepting the racist rejects of the democratic party.

Anonymous said...

"The KKK was a conservative organization despite what party labels they adopted. "

Wow, you really are a Kool-aid drinker. They ran around, talking about socialist ideas, calling themselves democrats, but in your eyes, they are conservative?


"After the last republican-caused Depression, you couldn't get elected in the south unless you called yourself a dem"


The Great Depression started in 1929.

The KKK started in 1866-ish, and became most powerful during the 19-teens and 19-20's, both of which pre-dated the Depression.

During this period of time, they were courted heavily by the segregationist wing of the DEMOCRATIC party.

I don't know why I am trying to talk sense to you, though. Next thing you'll be telling me that Charles Manson was right-wing, and that the eco-terrorists that burn down houses are conservatives, because a democrat would never do something so hateful.

You are really, truly a blind individual.

Anonymous said...

Ok, smart guy, what party does the segregationist wing of the democratic party belong to now? What made them desert the dems?

Here, let me help you. The answers are THE REPUBLICAN PARTY and THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.

Why did the civil rights act make them desert the dems? Because they were racists. That's why the whole south left the dems. Nixon even had a "southern strategy" to exploit racism. Charming, eh?

Now my theory falls apart if you can tell me with a straight face that there were lots of Clinton, Kerry or Obama (!!!) voters in the KKK.

The dems only improved once they rid themselves of the hard-core racists. Of course the republicans were only too happy to take them in under their big tent of hate! They fit in well with the anti-immigrant whackos, the anti-gay folks, the jew-haters, you name it!

Spider said...

That may be old Bill, but it's funny! (LOL) It's almost as funny as watching Goob trying to have a rational discussion with his liberal pal. (LOL)

Anonymous said...

"It's almost as funny as watching Goob trying to have a rational discussion with his liberal pal."

Yeah, I'm getting bored, though, he keeps singing the same old tune over and over again, and arguing with him is like wrestling a pig in the mud...

after a while, you realize the pig likes it...