Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why I am pretty sure that Rahm Emanuel knew damn good and well what Blago was up to...

It is known fact that Rahm Emanuel is on tape having discussed the Senate seat positions with Blago no less than 20 times.

It is also known fact that Blago went on a tirade that the only thing that Obama’s administration was willing to offer for the seat was their “undying gratitude.”

That means that Blago made the offer, and was declined by Emanuel. Exculpatory in the sense that Emanuel didn’t offer to give Blago a bribe (at least as far as we know), but damning in the sense that for Emanuel to turn his offer down, Blago had to make the offer to him, which means that Emanuel knew damn good and well that Blago was selling the seat, and did nothing about it.

Still with me?

We will have to see if this makes him complicit in conspiracy, or at least sets him up with a good case of obstructing justice, but it matters not to me. It is pretty clear that the corruption of the Chicago machine is so ingrained in Obama’s administration that it doesn’t even occur to them to turn in a governor in the middle of a corruption crime spree. No shocker there. To Obama, transparent is the new opaque.

Is this really a “change” from the current administration, or the one before that? I think we are in for 4 years of the same old political bullshit, and any hope that Obama is bringing is diminishing quickly.

A survey taken says that 45% of Americans believe that Obama knew about Blago’s actions before his arrest. That is a pretty big hit on this “hope for change” message when just shy of half of your constituency thinks you are a corrupt dirtbag before you are even sworn in.

My advice to the President Elect:

Practice what you preach. If you really want to be different, to be a hope for change and a shining light on the path away from political pettiness and corruption, then act that way. Quit letting these little scandals darken your message. Stop hanging around with radical, America-hating pastors and terrorists. Stop hiding things from the American people. When questions arose about Senator McCain’s eligibility to be president, he immediately made public all information that he could, including his long form birth certificate and naval records, and presented them to the Senate for review and discussion. He had nothing to hide. Why are you fighting every lawsuit that comes up instead of just presenting your certificate? When something like this Blago thing comes up, don’t refuse to comment, then the next day, make a comment stating that you are 100% sure that no one had ANY contact with Blago, then when the news release says that your Chief of Staff had no less than 20 phone conversations with Blago, revise your statement to say that your people are conducting an internal investigation to gather “facts”. How could you be 100% sure yesterday when you hadn’t even gathered the facts yet as of today? That smacks of a lie to me, Mr. Obama!

Now, you are choosing to withhold the results of your investigation until next week. Why? Are you hoping that this will die down and go away by then, so any revelation will be back-page news instead of the headline? You give me no choice but to believe that with the secretive and strange manner in which this is being handled.

This is not hope. This is not change. This is the same old shit we’ve all become so tired of putting up with, and you have already taken huge steps towards failing every person that voted for you because of that message.

What say you guys?


Anonymous said...

Goober be on the re-education list
pack your bags

Anonymous said...

Of course you think that. You will always think that. You think that Obama is a socialist, Kenya-born muslim who wants to kill babies and steall your money to give to lazy people.

That 45% that think Rahm was "in on it"? Yeah, that's only slightly less people than thought the old albino and his white trash Alaskan princess would be better for this country than who got elected. Wow! And they think Obama's right hand guy is corrupt? Gee, who woulda thunk it!

Of course that means you lost another 3% of support seeing as how 48% were stupid enough to vote McCain.

Might as well give up the idea that your side can hogtie Obama and his people with endless scandal-creation and investigations. This ain't 1993. Not only did Obama get over 50% of the vote to Clinton's 36%, the country is mired in a depression brought on by the lazy, ignorant people we call republicans. Like the boy who cried wolf they will be ignored.

Anonymous said...

"Of course you think that. You will always think that. You think that Obama is a socialist, Kenya-born muslim who wants to kill babies and steall your money to give to lazy people."

Finally we can agree on something. There may be hope for you yet.

Anonymous said...

"the country is mired in a depression brought on by the lazy, ignorant people we call republicans."

Naw. Hopeless.

Schteveo said...

This is a case of the Usual Suspects, if I've ever seen one.

Pres.-elect BOHICA never had a chance. He had IL Democrats and Clintonistas surrounding him at every turn.

Anonymous said...

"Of course you think that. You will always think that"

I am not so sure that this is my "thinking" something, or my "opinion" at all.

I am pretty sure that the facts of this case, as presented to date, pretty much prove that Rahm Emanuel knew what Blago was up to, and did nothing about it.

I'm sure that there will be more to follow, but I think that we can at least agree that Emanuel knew that Blago was selling the seat, can't we? Or are you so infected by your ideology that you think that the truth and history can be changed if you just believe it enough?

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass.

You and those like you don't give two small shits about honesty, truth OR intergrity. That's evident by the scum you elect or put up as candidates.

Your only mission is to destroy, to be obstacles, to act the poor loser jerks.

Keep it up. Just wait. As this crisis heats up you'll find yourselves on the receiving end of a whole lot of people like me. Expect to be demonized for the way your side handled the country.

In a year or two we'll be hunting republicans with dogs for the damage they've done.

Anonymous said...

on no - who will save us form the likes of HLF & his ILK????

oh, now I remember, it is our guns & ammo

stock up, lock & load

Blue said...

Hey Goob - I deleted your duplicate post

Anonymous said...

I had friend whose beagel bitch had a litter of 4. At first he said they were liberals.
Three weeks later I visited him again and he told me they conservatives. I reminded him that previously he had said they were liberals. He replied "Now their eyes are open."

Blue said...

I predict that when the truth is known, the democrats will have been proved to have lax ethical standards...
someone on Obama staff will be thrown under the bus over this....

anyone want to palce a bet?

Blue said...

HLF - you can't hunt us with dogs, we already put Michael Vick in jail & if it comes down to hunting people, you may want to be on the side that owns the guns......

Anonymous said...

Why does the Obamamessiah refuse to release his college transtripts?

Perhaps they indicate they'd make Bush look like a genious? Do they indicate his radical affiliations and communist tendencies? Do they show his birthplace as Kenya? Do they indicate dual citizenship? Do they indicate he was actually too stupid for Harvard but was an Affirmative Action quota?

As any idiot liberal will tell you - "None of that stuff matters! He's BLACK for God's sake! He's BLACK! You are all RACIST for asking these questions!"

Anonymous said...

"You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass."

If you have some information that would refute my statements, then I am very much interested in hearing it. If all you have is this childish retort that somehow, in your eyes, makes my statements wrong, then I will have to accept that you have, in effect, conceded my point and that you, too think Rahm Emanuel is complicit in all of this, but are too afraid to admit it, or to admit that you don't have a coherent argument against my opinions.

"You and those like you don't give two small shits about honesty, truth OR intergrity. That's evident by the scum you elect or put up as candidates."

You have no idea who I am or what I give "two small shits about," so eat me. As far as MY candidates are concerned, please indicate which candidate from the libertarian party that you see as being scum, and we'll start the discussion there. In fact, why don't you do a blog posting on this very website to such an end. Ohhh, did we find out that we just assumed far too much because our world view is so stifled and packaged by our hateful ideology? Can't help you man...

"Keep it up. Just wait. As this crisis heats up you'll find yourselves on the receiving end of a whole lot of people like me. Expect to be demonized for the way your side handled the country.

In a year or two we'll be hunting republicans with dogs for the damage they've done."

I can only hope in my heart of hearts that you are not really this stupid. You'll lose. You bring dogs, and see how that works out for you. No, I'm pretty sure that your little "leftist revolution" is going to die in it's infancy. As in, right about...


By the by, is anyone saving HLF's posts so that in a year or so, we can bring back up all of his little "promises" that he is making now that will never, ever happen, and then serve him a super-sized helping of crow?

HLF, you've made your "crystal ball" predictions, now I'll make mine. Obama will serve as president for the next 4 years, doing virtually NONE of the things he has promised during his campaign, and he will either win another term in 4 years, or lose, but no matter what happens, it will be a SQUEAKER. If he loses, then so be it. If he wins, he will start trying to get all of the socialist agenda pushed through (as he does not need to worry about getting re-elected anymore), and the backlash against it from all fronts, centrist, mildly left, and of course, right of center, will be so great that he will give up and start getting favors from interns in the oval office because he has become totally irrelevant.

Irrelevancy similar to that of President Bush's irrelevence over the past 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Hunting with dogs?

I'm calling PETA...

Anonymous said...

Oh look! Another manufactured issue to keep the brainstems busy! His college transcripts!

I'm sure he was a dumb guy, that's how he got to be editor of the Harvard Review and a professor!

As for you Goober, it says a lot about your (lack of) character that you WANT to see Obama fail when we're in this economic meltdown.

That's why I can't WAIT to see pictures of republicans living in tents or hear of them selling their kids into porn to buy food.

I got my wish once- all those blue collar "reagan democrats" are now folding clothes next to their wives at Wal Mart for $5.45 an hour. Back then, when they were abandoning the dems because reagan convinced them to go steady with him, I knew they'd end up getting f*cked hard. Goodbye good jobs! Hello downward mobility!

I saw the same thing happen to lots of previously middle class people over the years. I'll get to see it again. I love to hear my republican-voting relatives complain about how hard things are. Then I skewer them for voting republican!

I won't suffer either. I'm a smart liberal with lots of insulation from downturns.

Anonymous said...

As for predictions and crystal balls: We don't need those to see that bush was a miserable failure who, along with the republican Congress, has presided over the devastation of the entire financial system.

What I find amazing is that, ordnarliy, someone from a group that has failed so badly to govern will be humbled. You people act like your guy won the election because you party did such a great job and this Obama character stole it from him! You're like the guy who gets fired for nonperformance calling his successor a loser idiot and predicting his failure.

YOU FAILED. YOUR IDEOLOGY IS DEAD, BURIED. Cling to it all you want, it's necrophilia at this point.

Schteveo said...

...the word "pedantic" comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

funny. I also had one word come to mind. Happens often when HLF "contributes".

And the password is.....


Blue said...

um - the dems ruled congress for the last 2 years, they could have proped up the economy but chose not to help a democrat get elected prez

real good there dems in congress, real good

and the reason the Obama won't release his transcripts is that he got a "foreign student" scholarship & to get this he had to show a foreign passport

all this will come out at the impeachment hearings

Anonymous said...

and dear HLF, if the republicans are soooooooo bad, how come we got 46% of the popular vote????


Spider said...

This is not rocket science guys. President-elect Half-Breed is a 100% product of the most corrupt political machine in the entire country, and that's sayin a lot! As for Emanual, the half-breed's 3' tall side kick who comes out of the same swamp, he is known in DC as a professional liar and a sneak, which is why Nanny Pelosi loved him. All you have to do is look at his face and you can see it. You have to be a total idiot or a liberal, (same thing) to believe this runt and the half-breed didn't know every single thing Blago was doing.

But the weak-minded, brain-dead American people put this bunch of scumbags in power, and the people deserve everything they're gonna get!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Blue, ya dumbshit, here are the numbers:

28 years of conservative ideological dominance:

20 of the last 28 years with a republican President 1980-1992, 2000-2008

Republican majority Congress:

Republican Senate 1981-1987, 1995-2007

Republican House 1995-2007

(total republican control of Congress 1995-2007)

The last 8 years with a republican President and Congress 2000-2008

Compared with:

Democrats with a slim Congressional majority under a republican president 2007-2008 and facing the highest ever use of the filibuster.

The meltdown has "PROPERTY OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY" stamped all over it. You'll never change that.

Last I checked, 46% won't win you an election. And don't forget about all those congressional races republicans LOST.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Newt isn't happy with you.

Anonymous said...

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." – Ben Franklin

Anonymous said...

"you WANT to see Obama fail"

When did I say that I want to see Obama fail? You really have a projection issue, pal.

I never said that, nor do I want it to happen. i simply stated what I THOUGHT would happen. There is a difference between THOUGHT and WANT.


Not exactly sure how you got an MBA without them... you might try brushing up on them

Anonymous said...

28 years of conservative ideological dominance:

20 of the last 28 years with a republican President 1980-1992, 2000-2008

Republican majority Congress:

"Republican Senate 1981-1987, 1995-2007 "

Yes. In 1981, we were in a recession, caused by your and my friend, Jimmy and his retard lib friends. The repubs got in, and pulled us out by out bootstraps, and within a year, no more recession. Go conservatism! Okay, strike one on your stupid, idiot timeline that means nothing.

"Republican House 1995-2007"

Yup, and that was one of the most, if not THE most prosperous decades of the century. Go conservatism!

"(total republican control of Congress 1995-2007) "

Yes, and during those years, GDP grew faster than it ever has, home owneship hit an all-time high, and the economy was stronger than it has ever been. Ever. Go conservatism! What is that, like strike three on your idiot timeline?

"The last 8 years with a republican President and Congress 2000-2008"

Excuse me? I thought we had a democratic congress starting in 2006. So, not only is your timeline idiotic, it is also WRONG. So, in 2006, things have rarely been better. We hand the reigns of Fannie and Freddie to Frank and Dodd, and two years later, we are imploding.

HLF, from your timeline, over the last 28 years, it appears that every time the democrats come into power, something bad happens to the economy, and the repubs have to come in to bail them out.

So, if I were you, I would probably stop showing this "last 28 years" bullshit, because it really is working against you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no recession under Carter. The economy was in recession in 82 with 11% unemployment, 2 years into reagan's first term.

CLinton's tax increases balanced the budget, gave us a surplus that was promptly destroyed by bush and his republican Congress resulting in record deficits today and a doubling of the debt in those 8 years.

The democrat Congress didn't convene until Jan 2007. Republicans filibustered everything.

You can try and distance yourself from the devastation caused by the prusuit of republican agenda items including deregulation and free-market policies but public perception is running counter to you.

Trust in GOP Reaches Record Low

Perhaps your PR campaign needs work.

I have more to counter your mistaken assertions but I must work for a living as you know.